Learning Commons
Workshop: Social Media and Self Promotion
This workshop will Co-presented by the Learning Commons and CORE from 11:15-12:15.
Reading/Writing workshop: "Intros & Conclusions"
If you find yourself putting off essay assignments because you don't know how to start them, or dread writing conclusions because you don't know how to wrap everything up, this workshop could be for you.
Plus, free food from Panera.
Workshop - Stress Management: Mindfulness Practice
This workshop will be co-presented by the Learning Commons and Student Counseling Services.
Upcoming Workshops:
Jan. 14: Reading/Writing Center Sunday Night workshop
7-7:45 p.m., Andreen basement. Presented by Reading/Writing Center peer tutors.
Workshop - Time Management: Because Due Tomorrow Doesn’t Mean Do Tomorrow
The Learning Commons will be hosting a workshop on time management from 11:15-12:15.
Workshop: Effective Oral Presentations
This Reading/Writing Center Sunday Night workshop will be presented by RWC peer tutors.
Upcoming Workshops:
Dec. 12: Time Management: Because Due Tomorrow Doesn’t Mean Do Tomorrow
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., G?vle Room
Workshop: You Only Learn Once
Tutor leaders in the Learning Commons will host a workshop from 6-7.
Workshop: Civil Discourse Panel and Practice
The Learning Commons, the Office of Multicultural Student Life and CORE will be presenting a workshop session during Symposium Day on civil discourse.
Workshop: Effective Time Management Techniques to Reduce Stress
The Learning Commons will be hosting a workshop on time management skills from 11:15am-12:15pm.
Workshop: Metacognition at Its Finest
Learning Commons tutor leaders will offer a workshop on learning styles, or "Metacognition at Its Finest."
Got Stress? Find the Best Way to Manage It
The Learning Commons and Counseling Services will present the workshop, "Got Stress? Find the Best Way to Manage It."