Category - Campus Life

Go Greek at Augie!

I had the best experience rushing at uedbet体育官网. Even though I had an idea of what sorority I was most interested in, I went into the entire process with an open mind. I hope sharing my experience will help others consider going Greek!

Adele Eberhardt
Adele Eberhardt
January 16, 2025

Transitional living at uedbet体育官网

As an international student coming to the United States for the first time to attend college, I faced a mix of excitement and anxiety when I first arrived at uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 — especially about living in a new country with new people.

Hana Bui
Hana Bui
November 22, 2024

Holiday traditions at uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网

From the mesmerizing glow of the tree-lighting ceremony to the harmonious melodies of Christmas at uedbet体育官网, each tradition adds a unique touch to the season. Here are a few of our favorites: 


Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
November 18, 2024

Navigating mental health in college: A guide

uedbet体育官网 is a time for growth, change and self-exploration. Some students are eager to start college and embrace the experience. For others, it can feel overwhelming or even scary. Whatever emotions you have about college are completely valid. 

Kaitlyn Niedfeldt
Kaitlyn Niedfeldt
September 9, 2024

Move-in 101

The day you’ve been waiting for is finally here! Move-in day can seem a bit overwhelming. Lots of emotions, new locations, people, things. We get it!

Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
August 13, 2024

Club volleyball represents community and hard work

In early March, the uedbet体育官网’s men’s club volleyball team competed in a tournament in Springfield, Mo. Many volleyball organizations traveled far and wide to prove their skills against fierce competition.

Enzo Daleno
Vincenzo Daleno
April 3, 2024

My love letter to uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网

Growing up in the Quad Cities, I used to drive past uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 a lot. Back then, I never thought I’d get the chance to actually go to school there. I had a bunch of doubts about myself, my family’s money situation, and doubted I would fit in. 

Johana Gonzalez
Johana Gonzalez
March 19, 2024

Why I love being part of a cultural community

The Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) is one of several Asian organizations we have on campus at uedbet体育官网. Our organization allows for the celebration and awareness of Vietnamese culture through the leadership of current students, such as myself and others. 


Hana Bui
Hana Bui
January 15, 2024

Cultural Market Excursion

I think food is the best way to connect people, as food possesses the ability to transcend language barriers, becoming the universal language of love.

Hoang Trieu
Hoang Trieu
December 12, 2023