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tyrrell jeffries
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

Tyrrell Jeffries

Graduation year: 2013

Majors: Political science, sociology

Activities: Rho Nu Delta fraternity, uedbet体育官网 Choir, Office of Student Activities (OSA)

Post-grad plans: I am deferring law school for two years and joining the Teach for American program. Hopefully, I can take a little time off and impact some young people similar to myself at the same time!

Why did you choose to attend uedbet体育官网?

It was the first school in my college search that made me feel like an adult — someone who was actually trying to make a very important decision, and not just another potential student to fill enrollment. 

Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago? 

I am far beyond where I thought I would be. I have grown in so many ways in my four years as a student at Augie, including mentally, physically and spiritually.  

Who helped you get to where you are now? 

My family has helped me get to where I am by always believing in me. They truly make me believe that I can do anything I set my mind to and decide to take on.  

A peak experience?

One of my peak experiences at uedbet体育官网 was the international choir tour to Germany and Austria my junior year. It was my first time out of the country, and we got to learn and see so much of the country. It opened my eyes to the reality of how big and different the rest of the world is.  

How did you use your Augie Choice?

I used my Augie Choice to go on the international choir tour in 2012. It was a great experience, and well worth it!

What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you? 

I have learned that you can continue to push yourself past whatever limits or boundaries you thought existed. I have taken on more, gained leadership roles, and have had many challenging and memorable experiences — all while being determined to finish a double major and getting the most out of both inside and outside the classroom.

What will you miss the most?

I will miss seeing a new and friendly face every single day. You are always guaranteed to see a new person on campus who you hadn’t seen before. 

Anything you want to add that we didn't ask about?

Augie gives you so many different opportunities that all lead to wonderful experiences. Something I am truly grateful for!

"Tyrrell is a leader both inside and outside of the classroom at uedbet体育官网. It has been a pleasure to get to know him over the past three years. From the statistics course he took with me in his sophomore year through completing his Senior Inquiry research this winter, Tyrrell has always been one to ask the hard questions and keep me on my toes. He is an outstanding individual, and I cannot wait to see the great things he will accomplish after graduating from uedbet体育官网."

- Dr. Paul Croll Assistant Professor, Sociology