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kimberly klein
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

Kimberly Klein

Graduation year: 2011

Major: Psychology

Minor: Spanish

Activities: Chi Omega Gamma

Post-grad plans: Attend Colorado State University for the cognitive psychology Ph.D. program

Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?

Not at all…I entered uedbet体育官网 as a pre-vet major, but once I got going with classes, I loved psychology and stuck with it.

Your peak experience? 

I completed a year-long research project which I will be presenting at the Association for Psychological Science conference in Washington, D.C., this May.

What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?

I learned how to be independent and self-motivated, a big difference from the procrastinator I was in high school.

Who helped you get to where you are now? 

The whole psychology department has been fantastic, but Dr. Corts especially helped to get me interested in research, and now I actually know what I want to do after graduation!

Advice for this fall's incoming class?

Come in with an open mind, and if you feel like changing your major, go with it! Also, be sure to get to know your faculty well to make the most of your time.

"Kim is very enthusiastic about her research. She started spring term of her junior year and in about 12 months, she completed several projects. One of her projects on memory won an undergraduate research award from Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology. She also has received an $800 grant to fund a follow-up study to her Senior Inquiry project, which has been accepted for presentation at the Association for Psychological Science meeting. With her enthusiasm, skills and work habits, Kim will be very successful in her research career after uedbet体育官网."

- Dr. Daniel Corts, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology