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Pass-no credit grading registration

Please carefully read the Pass-No Credit guidelines below. Once submitted the form will be routed to the selected advisor and then to the Office of the Registrar for processing. Once received, it can take up to five business days for processing. Once processed, this action is not reversible.

Pass-No Credit Grading Guidelines -

*NOTE: Special COVID-19 exceptions for P/NC were in effect for Spring 2020 and summer 2020 only and have now expired. The following P/NC policies are in effect starting with Fall 2020 and beyond. 

Pass-No Credit is available to students with permission of the advisor within the following guidelines:

  • General Education Core Requirements may not be taken Pass-No credit. No learning perspective, suffix, REF or Second Language courses will fulfill a requirement if taken P/NC. There is an exception for one HEPE activity course. If taken Pass-No Credit the coursework will not be applied for General Education requirements. Students will not be able to petition to reverse this action after the deadline.
  • Courses required for a major or minor may be taken Pass-No Credit only by permission of the appropriate department chair.
  • Music doesn't allow P/NC for their music courses in MULS, MUEN, MUCH, or course MUSC-110, MUSC-111, MUSC-112, MUSC-211 and MUSC-212.
  • Students are reminded that only students who carry 12 or more credits with letter grades are eligible for Dean's List
  • Once a P/NC form is submitted they are final and irreversible. Students may not change back to letter grades once a course grading status has changed to P/NC status.
  • The Pass-No Credit (P/NC) option is available during the first 5 days of the semester for 7-week courses and through day 8 for 14-week courses. After the deadline has passed, students may no longer elect to take a course P/NC nor reverse a status of a course for which a form was previously submitted. See the Academic Calendar for exact dates.  See the Academic Calendar for exact dates.
  • Students registering for a J-term course must make this change by the add deadline.
  • A student may use the Pass-No Credit option to the point where it does not exceed 10 percent of the total credit hours completed or in progress. Courses which are mandatory Pass-No Credit (internships, field experiences, etc.) will not be counted in the 10-percent ?gure. 
  • A student may elect to register for more than one Pass-No Credit course in a given term. Students may not move all courses for a semester to P/NC status.
  • Instructors will turn in letter grades for all students. In cases where students have elected the Pass-No Credit option, the grade will be converted for A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+ and C grades into P; and C-, D and F grades into NC. This rule will not apply to courses which are mandatory Pass-No Credit which will be graded by instructors as P or NC. Grades that are converted to P will appear as a CR grade. The original grade reported by the faculty member will be replaced entirely with the P or NC grade and no record of the original reported grade will be available at a later time. 
  • Neither P (or CR) nor NC grades will be used in computing uedbet体育官网 grade-point averages, but these courses do impact the number of credits earned. Students should be aware that uedbet体育官网 cannot control the use made by other colleges and graduate and professional schools of Pass (P) and No-Credit (NC) grades that appear on the transcripts of uedbet体育官网 students.
  • NOTE! Due to state licensure regulations, students in the teacher education program will be required to obtain permission from the EDUC department prior to requesting the P/NC option for any coursework.
  • Students may exercise the Pass-No Credit option until the posted P/NC deadline. See the Academic Calendar for exact dates. 

    P/NC Request Form - CLICK HERE