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Add/drop policies

Adding and dropping dates and deadlines

The online add/drop period begins the Saturday or Sunday prior to the semester start and continues through the published deadlines through Arches for all students. Adding will be done online through Arches only for all open sections. See the Academic Calendar for exact dates. 

The online add/drop period begins the Saturday prior to the start of J-term and continues through Day 3 of the term. Adding will be done online through Arches only for all open sections. 

Electronic add/drop forms are available online only. You have until the end of the add/drop period to be at full-time status for scholarships and financial assistance.

Students who wish to add a closed section should attend the first course meeting and consult with the instructor about adding the class no later than Friday of week 1 the semester by online form.

Registration dates and deadlines

Online forms are accepted only during the add/drop period. Incomplete petition forms will not be processed.

For information about open courses please consult Arches, the official online catalog or the academic department.

Students should check Arches to see that their schedule is correct. It is the responsibility of the student to check and maintain a current and accurate course schedule. If you see inconsistencies, please contact the Registrar's Office immediately.

ADDING: All Adds after Arches closes must be completed by online forms. All Adds for second 7 week courses must be completed by online forms.

DROPPING: All Drops after Arches closes must be completed by online forms. All drops for second 7 week courses must be completed by online form.

The drop deadline to avoid a "W" grade is published on the Academic Calendar. 

All drops for all modules must be processed by a properly completed online drop form and submitted by the published deadline. Instructors may drop you from the roster for failure to attend the first two class meetings and allow another student to add, however, it is the responsibility of the student to check and maintain a current and accurate course schedule.

If you have questions about a particular class that meets a shorter period than the 14-week schedule, please consult the above deadlines carefully or contact our office and your instructor about specific add and drop procedures for that course. A complete list of dates and deadlines appears on the academic calendar.

NOTE! Students with pending honor council cases are not be permitted to drop the course under investigation unless the result of the hearing specifies a drop/withdrawal is permitted at the conclusion of the case. 


Please see the catalog regarding the policy on taking courses P/NC.


As always, consult your academic advisor and your financial aid package before dropping courses that may impact your billing, financial assistance and NCAA eligibility. To maintain full-time status at uedbet体育官网, you must have a minimum load of 12 credits for the entire 14-week term.


If at any time during the term you experience academic or other difficulties, please notify your academic advisor immediately to discuss your options. Other contacts for you include:

Dean of Students Office #7533

Advising Office #8290

Counseling Service #7357

Reading and Writing Center #7372

Office of the Registrar #7277

Campus Ministry #7213

Residential Life #2686