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Veterinary Medicine Coordinated Degree Program Agreement

Requirements of the Program:

uedbet体育官网 of Veterinary Medicine at University of Illinois requires an overall 3.50 GPA and a 3.50 Science GPA at uedbet体育官网.

Required Courses

The following courses should be completed by the end of the first year: CHEM-131, CHEM-132 (General Chemistry), First-Year Inquiry (FYI) 101 and 102, First-Year J Term Course, Foreign Language 101, 102 if needed (less than 4 years of high school language), Biology 130 (Molecules to Cells)* or Biology 140 (Organisms to Ecosystems)*

The following courses should be completed by the end of second year: CHEM-321, CHEM-322 (Organic Chemistry) Biology 130 (Molecules to Cells)* or Biology 140 (Organisms to Ecosystems)* (whichever one that was not taken during the first year), Biology 250 (Genetics)*-BIOL 130 is a prerequisite, Reasoned Examination of Faith (REF) course

The following courses should be completed by the end of the third year: CHEM-441 (Biochemistry I), PHYS-151, PHYS-152, BIOL360 or BIOL-362 (Comparative Physiology or Human Physiology) Biology- One other course (not Immunology, Neuroanatomy or Histology), and Senior Inquiry-in Biology or another major.

*Denotes a core course that each Biology major must complete prior to beginning Senior Inquiry.

You must also complete all of your ‘General Education’ courses during your three years.

The above course work totals 110 credits, thereby requiring 8 credits of overload, summer school or AP credit from high school. If the foreign language requirement has been satisfied, only 102 credits in specific courses are required.

NOTE: A student wishing to earn an uedbet体育官网 degree should AVOID taking any of the following courses at uedbet体育官网: Immunology, Neuroanatomy, Histology. These courses, when taken at U. of Illinois, will fulfill the last of the requirements for your Biology Major at uedbet体育官网.

Students must take ALL the Illinois CVM prerequisite courses at uedbet体育官网. After being accepted into the 3-4 program, all science courses must be taken at uedbet体育官网. Only non-science courses can be transferred into uedbet体育官网 and only if absolutely necessary.

Additional useful courses:

Psychology 100 (Intro. To Psychology), Psychology 240 (Statistics), Biology 310 (Evolutionary Biology), Biology 335 (Entomology), Biology 343 (Microbiology), Biology 351 (Human Anatomy), Biology 373 (Developmental Biology), Biology 375 (Molecular Genetics), Biology 386 (General Ecology), Biology 387 (Aquatic Biology), Biology 455 ( Human Gross Anatomy Lab; 2 credits)

Timeframe and Requirements:
  • Student must have a 3.5 overall GPA and a 3.5 science GPA at uedbet体育官网 to apply;
  • Student applies in February of their second year at uedbet体育官网;
  • Application (personal statement and 3 letters of evaluation, etc.) due at the beginning of February;
  • Interviews with U. of Illinois and uedbet体育官网 personnel in early spring of second year;
  • Student must maintain minimum overall GPA and science GPA throughout the program;
  • The GRE is not required unless you are applying to other vet schools;
  • Students can remain at uedbet体育官网 for their senior year and Illinois will reserve a seat for the next year; and
  • If student attends the uedbet体育官网 of Veterinary Medicine at University of Illinois their fourth year, they must petition to graduate AND petition to transfer credits from Illinois back to uedbet体育官网.