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William F. Freistat Center grants for students

Student-Faculty Fellows On-Site Undergraduate Research Grants

The objective is to provide funding to facilitate faculty mentoring of undergraduate research in Africa, Asia, Europe or Latin America, or in peace studies in either America or abroad.


  • An up-to-date resume for each applicant
  • Tentative budget
  • Two letters of recommendation for each applicant from uedbet体育官网 faculty members other than the mentor
  • A formal research proposal


  • A final report and any papers/video studies/other projects completed during the research project to the Freistat Chair upon return to uedbet体育官网
  • A financial statement of all expenditures along with appropriate receipts to uedbet体育官网 Controller, with copy to the Freistat Chair, within four weeks of completion of their research trip.

Student In-Country Language and Cultural Enhancement Program Grants

The objective is to provide an incentive to students in smaller language programs (those with two or fewer full time faculty) to continue their language study by providing scholarships to participate in three-week language/cultural immersion experiences in country led by their uedbet体育官网 language professors. Some programs (Japanese for example) will focus on taking students at the end of their second year of study. Others (German for example) will focus on taking students in country as a reward for their completion of third-year German to enable them to converse freely in this language. Languages will be funded on a rotational basis. If a student qualifies, Augie Choice can also be used to help cover a student's expenses.


  • A transcript
  • Resume
  • Two letters of recommendation (at least one recommender must speak to the language abilities of the student in the language he/she plans to study)
  • A detailed program of study written by the student, accompanied by copy of the program brochure provided by the study center


  • A four to six page final report of the cultural immersion experience , with a complete itinerary
  • A financial statement of all expenditures along with appropriate receipts to the uedbet体育官网 Controller, with copy to the Freistat Chair.

Student On-Site Intensive Language Study Grants

The objective is to enable uedbet体育官网 students to gain greater proficiency in the languages of Africa, Asia, Europe or Latin America by enrolling in intensive language study. Generally, summer programs must be at least five or more weeks in duration, and term or semester long experiences should include, where possible, additional classes taught in the native language. Home stays, or living in dorms with students of that country are preferred. In cases where instruction in the other language is not offered at uedbet体育官网 (for example, Vietnamese or Swahili) students taking a first year of language study can opt to enroll in an intensive language course at a U.S. college or university.


  • A transcript
  • Resume
  • Two letters of recommendation (at least one recommender must speak to the language abilities of the student in the language he/she plans to study)
  • A detailed program of study written by the student accompanied by copy of the program brochure provided by the study center
  • A two-three page statement by the student on the importance of this language enhancement experience to his/her future plans or career goals.

Student Awards to Present Papers at Undergraduate and Professional Conferences

The objective is to provide monetary support to attend professional academic conferences for students who have conducted research on various themes related to the initiatives encouraged by the Freistat Center including Peace Studies and research about and/or carried out in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. In order to qualify for a full award, students must present their work in the form of a paper or a poster presentation at a professional conference.


  • A copy of the paper or poster display
  • Information on the conference you plan to attend
  • A statement of the importance of this experience to your current and future studies to the Freistat Chair.


  • A copy of the final paper or poster presented at the conference must be submitted to the Freistat Center.
  • A financial statement of all expenses, with appropriate receipts, must also be presented to the college controller with copy to the Freistat Chair, within four weeks of conference completion.
  • A copy of the reference program or brochure.

Student Fellow in Public Health, Peace, and Justice

Baylor uedbet体育官网 of Medicine's Center for Globalization hosts one uedbet体育官网 student for a nine-week internship in public health, peace, and justice. This student must demonstrate a keen interest in issues of public health worldwide and the implications of addressing public health concerns from the larger standpoint of peace and justice.


  • A transcript
  • Resume
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement of interest in this fellowship


  • A paper or power point descriptive of summer research project
  • Required participation in Celebration of Learning