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Policy on public statements and actions

Updated Aug. 2024

Diversity of thought is a strength of an institution of higher education.  Although situations may arise in which uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 could be called upon to comment on matters or topics of public interest, education leaders should issue public statements sparingly to avoid limiting the free exchange of ideas necessary for education, research, and discovery.  In addition, in most cases our community will not be of a single mind on a given issue and, therefore, an institutional statement that speaks for the uedbet体育官网 community may be inappropriate and, possibly, harmful.

The determination of whether uedbet体育官网 will engage in a particular opportunity or request for public action will be guided by the college's mission, values, and principles.  These are provided in the appendix to this statement and will be updated as needed. 

When determining whether to comment on a matter of public interest, or when we receive a request to do so, the following will be considered:

  • Whether the issue or event has a direct impact on the college's ability to fulfill its mission of teaching, research, and service.
  • Whether the issue or event directly affects members of the college community specifically in their roles as students, faculty, or staff.
  • Whether the issue or event, whether local, national, regional, or international, has created a level of disruption on uedbet体育官网's campus that it is necessary for a campus leader to reaffirm the college's values
  • Whether the topic or matter is clearly and directly related to the college's mission or vision
  • Whether the topic or matter is related to an element of the college's strategic plan
  • Whether the college can participate in a non-partisan manner
  • The manner in which a college statement would affect the uedbet体育官网 community and the larger community in which uedbet体育官网 resides
  • The ability to engage in dialogue on an individual level to achieve the same outcome

Institutional comments will generally be limited to cases in which the topic or matter is directly related to our work and identity as an academic institution.

In addition to these issues the college will consider who best speaks on issues. For matters of the highest priority, the President of the uedbet体育官网 often will speak. On other matters, the President may delegate to others. The President of the uedbet体育官网, Chair of the uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Board of Trustees, and Senior Communication Director are the only individuals authorized to speak on behalf of the college, unless one of those individuals delegates that authority to another for a particular topic.


  1. Mission. uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网, deeply rooted in the liberal arts and sciences and an inclusive expression of Lutheran expression of the Christian faith higher education, is committed to offering a challenging education that develops qualities of mind, spirit and body necessary for students to discern their life’s calling a rewarding life of leadership and service in a diverse and changing world. In carrying out this mission, the college shall assure freedom of academic inquiry and expression.
  2. Values. In 2005, the college’s strategic plan Authentically uedbet体育官网 reported “a high degree of consensus about the values held dear by uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 community. The primary and clarion values of the college community are those values associated with authenticity – truthfulness, excellence, genuineness and faithfulness to mission.” It asserted that we provide evidence of our commitment to these values when we:
    • Cherish academic excellence
    • Foster critical thinking, creativity, and an active life of the mind
    • Encourage both intellectual and spiritual development
    • Embrace diversity, civility, integrity and respect for others
    • Respect academic freedom and traditions of academic governance
    • Ensure a student-centered approach and attitude
    • Act collaboratively within the college while seeking partnerships within the community
    • Remain accountable to our students and to our mission
  3. Principles. "In the summer of 2014, as the college was in the beginning stages of implementing its uedbet体育官网 2020, students took the lead in drafting a Community Principles document, and other members of the campus community worked to edit and add to this document,” said Provost Dr. Pareena Lawrence. The following is the final determination of Community Principles:

    uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 is a community driven by purpose, respect and civic responsibility. It strives to create the best environment where every member of our community may achieve personal fulfillment and success. These principles apply to all members of our community both in and out of the classroom.
    • Purpose. Pursue a collective sense of intellectual and personal growth to build and strengthen the community.
    • Openness and respect. Strive for civility when exercising the right to free expression.
    • Accountability. Abide by the uedbet体育官网 Honor Code and Code of Social Conduct.
    • Responsibility. Be responsible and self-aware of our own words and actions, and speak out against injustice, intolerance and discrimination.
    • Care. Develop and express genuine interest in one another and create an environment where each member of the community can thrive.