Checklist of steps for supervisors: departing employees
Here is a checklist of steps for supervisors to take when an employee is leaving uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网:
Information Technology Services requirements
Before the employee's last day
Verify what uedbet体育官网 equipment needs to be returned (laptop, camera, tablet, etc.)
Determine what Google files need to moved to a shared drive or new owner.
Determine what documentation should be moved from a H drive or C drive to a department drive O.
Ensure any third party software/vendor or support is moved over to a new owner or communicate different person to contact.
Remind employee to transfer any personal items connected to their Augie email to personal email and platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Amazon Prime, etc.).
Remind employee that Office 365 and all uedbet体育官网-owned software will be removed.
Personal documentation should be transferred or deleted.
Transfer Google Groups to different manager.
After the employee has left
Email will be deleted after 30 days. Determine whether it will need to be transferred, aliased, given an out of office message, or transferred to a new owner.
Change voice mail to reflect the change.
Human Resources requirements
Tasks to do immediately
Ask the resigning or retiring employee for their resignation in writing and send a copy to HR.
Notify your team and other key partners and stakeholders across campus or vendors of the employee's departure.
Arrange a meeting with the employee to capture critical knowledge from the departing employee. This can include: status of current priorities and goals; key annual and quarterly/monthly activities and current status; review SOP documents to ensure they are up to date (create new ones as needed), etc.
Arrange training as needed between the departing employee and other team members who may be picking up projects/tasks.
If the employee has a credit card, review current credit card statements and transactions and obtain receipts for final bill
Before last day
Ensure that exit interview is set up with HR.
Gather and/or make a list of any other department specific property (keys to filing cabinets, etc.).
Inform HR of any items or property that need to be collected at the exit meeting (credit card, keys, etc.)
Work with the employee to create an email forward or auto reply and update the employee's voice mail.
Update contact or access for any department-controlled systems/software/websites.
After last day
Change password on shared accounts or mailboxes.
Update email distribution lists and meeting requests to remove the employee.