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Reporting policy violations


Anyone who feels that s/he has been the victim of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or other interpersonal misconduct as defined in the Policy is encouraged to bring it to the attention of a Title IX Coordinator or to the Office of Public Safety and Police for assistance. Bystanders and third parties who have information they believe could constitute a violation of this Policy are also encouraged to file a report to a member of the Title IX Team, or utilizing the Campus Conduct Hotline or the uedbet体育官网’s electronic reporting option outlined below. Reports will be treated as confidential as possible. This means that the Title IX Team will share information gathered through reports and any investigation on a need to know basis only.

The Title IX Team at uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 consists of the Title IX Coordinator, the Deputy Title IX Coordinators, and the Chief of the Office of Public Safety and Police. The Title IX Team is responsible for ensuring the prompt and impartial review, investigation and resolution of all reports of alleged violations of the Policy, along with the provision of interim remedies and measures to support all individuals involved and to ensure that they are treated with dignity and care.


With the exception of the confidential resources identified below, all uedbet体育官网 employees who receive a report of or otherwise become aware of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or other interpersonal misconduct are obligated to promptly inform the Title IX Coordinator (either the Chief Title IX Coordinator or one of the Deputy Title IX Coordinators) or the Office of Public Safety and Police, all the alleged details of the incident, unless they are expressly prohibited by law from disclosing such information. With the exception of students employed in Residential Life, uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 students who are also employed by the uedbet体育官网 are not included in this reporting requirement.

At uedbet体育官网, counselors in the Counseling Center and the Campus Pastor are not required to disclose the information obtained while serving in these roles as they have professional obligations to maintain the confidentiality of their clients. These employees can also help individuals understand their options for proceeding with their complaint. More information about these confidential resources is provided below. Confidential Advisors (see below) are also not required to disclose information to the uedbet体育官网.


Contact one of the college's Title IX coordinators with any questions about Title IX at uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网, or to file a complaint of sex discrimination. All of the following individuals serve as Title IX coordinators for the college and may be contacted with questions, or receive complaints, as outlined below.

Title IX Coordinator: Steve Wehling, Director of Civil Rights, 309-794-7313
Steve Wehling leads the Title IX team at the uedbet体育官网. He responds to all reports related to Title IX and is responsible for the investigation and resolution of all complaints of sex discrimination and harassment.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Laura Schnack, Associate Dean of Students, 309-794-7533

Laura Schnack coordinates with the Title IX Coordinator when a student has reported or is accused of violating the uedbet体育官网's policy. Dean Schnack can also receive a report of a violation of the Title IX from any individual. 

Deputy Title IX coordinator: Mindy Zumdome, Director of Human Resources, 309-794-7452 

Mindy Zumdome can receive complaints from any individual regarding Title IX. She and the Human Resources staff will handle reports of staff and administrative employee violations of the uedbet体育官网's policy and will be responsible for employee training regarding the uedbet体育官网's prohibition of sex discrimination and the process of addressing concerns of sex discrimination.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Chris Beyer, Director of Residential Life, 309-794-2686.

Chris Beyer is primarily responsible for organizing student training required under Title IX. He can also receive a complaint of a violation of Title IX from any member of the uedbet体育官网 community.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Greg Domski, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Academic Strategic Priorities, 309-794-3482

A person may also file a complaint online with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX or by calling 1-800-421-3481.

Office of Public Safety & Police 309-794-7711

Tom Phillis, Chief of Police

Chief Phillis can receive a complaint of a violation of this Policy from any member of the uedbet体育官网 community. Chief Phillis oversees the investigation of complaints of Title IX violations under this Policy.

Campus Conduct Hotline

The uedbet体育官网 has a campus conduct hotline (1-866-943-5787) for individuals to report matters anonymously. This means that it is not necessary to disclose names or any other identifying information. Reports received through this hotline relating to alleged violations of the Policy Against Sex Discrimination will be forwarded to a Title IX Coordinator who will respond to the complaint. The uedbet体育官网’s ability to respond effectively may be limited if the reporter wishes to remain anonymous. This reporting mechanism is not a substitute for the obligation of uedbet体育官网 employees to report any alleged Policy violations to a Title IX Coordinator, as described above.

Electronic Reporting

Reports of a potential violation of this Policy may also be filed electronically at: An electronic report may be made anonymously. As noted, the uedbet体育官网’s ability to respond effectively may be limited if the reporter remains anonymous. This reporting mechanism is not a substitute for the obligation of uedbet体育官网 employees to report any alleged Policy violations to a Title IX Coordinator, as described above.


Individuals who feel they have been victims of sexual misconduct may require time and support in reaching the decision as to whether to make formal complaints. There are confidential resources on campus and in the community available to individuals who do not wish to make a formal report to campus authorities or who wish to speak with a confidential resource in addition to making a formal report. Information disclosed to a confidential resource will not be shared with other individuals. These resources generally only report to the uedbet体育官网 the fact that an incident occurred without revealing any personally identifying information. This also means that disclosures to a confidential resource will not result in a uedbet体育官网 investigation into an incident. These confidential resources include:

Confidential resources on campus

Counseling Services 309-794-7357

Counselors at Counseling Services can provide emotional and medical support in a safe and confidential space. They are not required to disclose your identifying information as they have professional obligations to maintain the confidentiality of their clients. They can also help you think through your options for filing a formal report.

Campus Chaplain, Office of Campus Ministries, 309-794-7213

Confidential Advisors

Through a partnership, the uedbet体育官网 has arranged for the availability of confidential advisors employed by Family Resources – Survivor Services to provide emergency and on-going support to survivors of sexual assault.

Confidential resources in the community

Family Resources -Survivor Services of the Quad Cities – 24 Hour Free Crisis Line 309-797-1777

Family Resources- Survivor Services is a community based program that serves the needs of women, men, children and families whose lives have been affected by domestic or sexual violence, human trafficking, or other violent crimes.

Illinois Domestic Violence Help Line 1-877-863-6338

National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network:


The uedbet体育官网 encourages all individuals who feel they have been victims of sexual misconduct or other interpersonal misconduct (also referred to as complainants) to seek immediate assistance from a medical provider for emergency services, including treatment of any injury, and to collect and preserve physical and other forms of evidence. Seeking medical attention preserves the full range of options, including the options of working through the uedbet体育官网's grievance procedures and/or filing criminal complaints.

Local medical assistance can be obtained at Unity Point Health- Trinity Rock Island Hospital, 2701 – 17th Street, Rock Island, telephone 309-779-5000. Under Illinois law, forensic medical examinations (i.e., evidence collection) sought subsequent to instances of sexual violence are free of charge to the patient.

A complainant has the option to pursue a criminal complaint with the appropriate law enforcement agency, to pursue a complaint with the uedbet体育官网 or to pursue both processes consecutively or concurrently.

Rock Island City Police

Emergency Reporting – Dial “911”

Non-Emergency Reporting (309) 732-2677

A complainant also has the right not to pursue any complaint. Unless deemed necessary by the Title IX team or requested by an alleged victim, the uedbet体育官网 will not contact law enforcement outside of the uedbet体育官网 Office of Public Safety and Police. In addition to having the option of pursuing a criminal complaint, victims also have the option of exploring whether they might be entitled to an order of protection, no contact order, restraining order, or other similar orders issued by a criminal or civil court. For more information about such orders see

The Title IX team will assist victims with transportation to a hospital if they so request, with making contact with appropriate law enforcement authorities upon request and with accessing all appropriate resources and support, including on- and off-campus confidential victim services and sexual violence crisis support.

Any pending criminal investigation or criminal proceeding may have some impact on the timing of the uedbet体育官网's investigation, but the uedbet体育官网 will commence its own investigation as soon as is practicable under the circumstances. The uedbet体育官网 reserves the right to commence and/or complete its own investigation prior to the completion of any criminal investigation or criminal proceeding.

uedbet体育官网’s authority to sanction members of the uedbet体育官网 community applies only to the violation of uedbet体育官网 rules, policies and procedures. Legal action to pursue either civil or criminal proceedings may be initiated by contacting the police or the State's Attorney. Students who believe they are the victims of a crime as defined by federal and state laws are encouraged to report to law enforcement authorities as the legal system of the State of Illinois offers recourse through law enforcement officials and the courts. The uedbet体育官网's Title IX Coordinator and the uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Office of Public Safety and Police are available to assist students with any reports they might wish to make to law enforcement authorities.

A person may also file a complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by calling 1-800-421-3481 or visiting


Victims are also reminded of the importance of preserving evidence as may be necessary to the proof of criminal domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or in obtaining an order of protection. Even if an individual has not been physically hurt, a timely medical examination is recommended so that forensic evidence can be collected and preserved. An individual may choose to allow the collection of evidence by medical personnel even if he or she chooses not to make a report to the police. In order to best preserve forensic evidence, it is suggested that an individual not shower, bathe, douche, smoke, or change clothes or bedding before seeking medical attention, and that medical attention be sought as soon as possible. If the individual decides to change clothes, he/she can bring the unwashed clothing to the hospital or medical facility in a paper bag.

Under Illinois law, forensic medical examinations (i.e., evidence collection) sought subsequent to instances of sexual violence are free of charge to the patient. Local medical assistance can be obtained at Unity Point Health- Trinity Rock Island Hospital, 2701 – 17th Street, Rock Island, telephone 309-779-5000.

Individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct are also encouraged to preserve evidence by saving text messages, instant messages, social networking pages, other communications, and keeping pictures, logs, or other documents.


Timing of Report

The uedbet体育官网 encourages individuals to report as soon as practically possible, but there is no time limit on reporting. The uedbet体育官网 will undertake an investigation of past events, but it cannot typically impose disciplinary sanctions on an individual who is no longer a member of the uedbet体育官网 community (e.g., a student who has graduated or an individual who is no longer in the employ of the uedbet体育官网).


In order to encourage the reporting of alleged sexual or interpersonal misconduct, the uedbet体育官网 will not pursue disciplinary action against any student (including a Complainant or third party witness) who reports in good faith or is involved in the investigation of an alleged violation of this Policy and who has violated uedbet体育官网 policy regarding alcohol or other drugs, provided that such violations did not/do not place the health or well-being of any other person at risk. While disciplinary action will not typically be pursued for violations of the uedbet体育官网’s alcohol or drug policies in such circumstances, the uedbet体育官网 may pursue educational interventions where appropriate.

Policy updated July 26, 2019