HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey
The Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS) is an organization of colleges and universities committed to sharing data, knowledge, and expertise to advance undergraduate liberal arts education.
The HEDS offers three different campus climate surveys on sexual assault and sexual violence: one for undergraduate students, one for advanced degree students, and one for faculty, staff, and administrators. These surveys are designed for and have been used by public and private institutions, from community colleges to research universities.
HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey
2020 Undergraduate Frequency Report
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This report contains comparative frequencies for undergraduate students who took the HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey.
Data compares uedbet体育官网 students who took the survey during the 2019–2020 academic year to students at small institutions and large institutions that participated in the survey in the 2016–2017, 2017–2018, 2018–2019, or 2019-2020 academic years.
Schools with fewer than 4,000 undergraduate students are in the small institution group, and schools with 4,000 or more undergraduate students are in the large institution group. Institutions that do and do not belong to HEDS have been combined in the data.
Table of contents
6. Demographics