Office of Sexual Assault Prevention Education
The Office of Sexual Assault Prevention Education provides regular workshops, activities, and events that cover a variety of topics addressing campus sexual assault. Some of the topics include bystander intervention, healthy relationships, diversity and inclusion, consent, alcohol safety, and healthy masculinity.
These workshops provide these opportunities to all student groups (sports teams, Greek life, classes, cultural groups, and student organizations). The office also has a team of trained peer educators who are able to facilitate workshops and activities.
If you would like to set up a workshop, or attend a workshop as an individual when one is next scheduled, please complete this request form.
If you are requesting a workshop for a group, make your request at least five days prior to the desired date.
Available workshops
Bystander Intervention
This workshop is focused on the evidence-based approach of engaging bystanders in stopping behaviors and actions that can lead to sexual assault and violence. It focuses on the three Ds of bystander intervention Direct, Distract, and Delegate, as well as other techniques to empower bystanders in various situations.
Healthy Relationships
This discussion-based workshop will focus on different types of relationships including healthy, unhealthy, and abusive. It provides examples of the characteristics of each type of relationship, and includes activities such as In Their Shoes.
Diversity and Inclusion
Sexual violence can happen to anyone regardless of identity. This workshop provides information and resources on how this issue effects historically marginalized communities, as well as time for discussion.
This workshop discusses the nuts and bolts of what consent is, how it is defined by law, and how it is communicated. It also will dispel myths and acknowledges the realities of what consent actually looks like, and why it can be a confusing topic.
Alcohol Safety
This workshop discusses the role alcohol often plays in sexual violence. It will provide accurate information, dispel myths and role play real-life situations that highlight student safety in an open and honest conversational style.
Healthy Masculinity
Engaging men is a focal point of combating sexual violence. This workshop provides a space for men to discuss what it means to be a man in society, as well as how men can use their platform to become allies. Activities provided include The Man Box and honest, open discussion.
Adulting 101
Adulting 101 is a student/ faculty led program that gives students the resources, confidence and sense of identity to reach maximum growth and success. This is designed as an interactive program for students. These aren’t lectures, but opportunities with other students to create and build upon skills that you will use for your entire life: communication, time management, proactive mental health planning, confidence building, creating boundaries, violence prevention/action, and the balance between school and social life. Adulting 101’s goal is to explore, have fun, create a support system, and help students reach their dreams.
Pop Goes the Culture: Exploring Gender and Violence in Media
Movies, music, television, books, video games, and social media play a crucial role in our lives. These outlets of popular culture help to shape ideas and formulates impressions about ourselves and others. In certain instances, it has also helped to reinforce rigid gender norms and desensitizes us to acts of gender based violence. This workshop intends foster a constructive dialogue by breaking down media images and representations as it relates to gender. Participants will walk with a renewed sense of media literacy and garner the ability to call out the normalization of gender stereotypes and violence in the culture.
Don't Get Pigeonholed: Breaking the Rigid Box of Manhood
Men and boys grow up in a world in which being a “real man” is defined in a particular fashion. Men are taught to be tough, strong, aggressive, and don’t show any emotion or vulnerability. Anything other than that is considered not worthy of validation among peers, families, and communities. This workshop is designed with the goal of allowing for men to reexamine the whole idea of what it means to be a man. Participants will be able to define a healthy definition of masculinity that is on their terms.
What do we want? Justice!: A Guide to Student Activism to Prevent Sexual Assault
uedbet体育官网 campuses in America have produced a rich history of young people organizing and mobilizing in pursuit of social change. The Civil Rights, Anti-War, and Anti-Apartheid movements are some of the examples of where young people took action on their campuses and helped move society forward. That same tradition holds true when it comes to preventing campus sexual assault. This workshop will equip students with the tools necessary to become effective social change agents in creating a safer and compassionate culture on campus.
Custom workshop or listening session
The Office of Sexual Assault Prevention Education will create custom presentations on topics related to domestic violence, dating violence, stalking or sexual assault.
Amani Community Services: Culturally specific domestic violence and sexual assault agency serving African Americans in Iowa.
Davenport (563) 564-5392; 24 hour after-care line: 1 (888) 983-2533.
Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity (formerly Monsoon United Asian Women of Iowa): Serves victims/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking in Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities in Iowa.
Helpline: 1.866.881.4641 Email:
Latinas Unidas Por Un Nuevo Amanecer: Serves survivors and victims of sexual assault and domestic violence in the Latino / Latinx communities throughout Iowa.
Este centro de crisis brinda asesoramiento, apoyo y recursos gratuitos y confidenciales a los sobrevivientes latinos de violencia domestica y agresin sexual.
Office line / linea de oficina: (515) 271-5060; 24-hour helpline / línea de crisis las 24 horas: (866) 256-7668.