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Campus Groups

uedbet体育官网 committees

All committees at uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 can be found here

Students do not hold membership on college committees which involve salaries, tenure and promotion, and research. For further information, please contact the Dean of the uedbet体育官网 at x7311.

Campus organizations

Student organizations play an important role in engaging students in and out of the classroom. uedbet体育官网 offers more than 150 student organizations ranging from clubs associated with academic majors to interest groups on topics such as the environment, poetry and fiction writing, cultural programming, etc.

uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 is not responsible for accidents or injuries incurred as a result of voluntary participation in the activities of a campus organization or interest group. Students are expected to maintain appropriate health insurance coverage if they choose to participate in activities which may result in injury. All organizations on the uedbet体育官网 campus must be registered with the Student Policy Committee (SPC). All organizations are required to have membership practices which do not discriminate against persons because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation or disability. A new organization seeking registration by the college must apply for recognition.  Representatives of such organizations should contact the Dean of Students or Director of Student Life and Leadership for information and assistance.

Fifteen local social Greek organizations (eight fraternities and seven sororities) exist at uedbet体育官网. All of these groups are members of the Greek Council and cooperate throughout the year in system-wide activities. Approximately 30 percent of the student body belong to fraternities, while 35 percent belong to sororities.

Recruitment occurs during Spring semester. New students, transfer students and upperclass students may participate. The New Member Period is four weeks long and typically occurs in the middle of the Spring semester but may be changed to an equivalent period to fit the academic calendar. Students with a 2.00 uedbet体育官网 and overall GPA are eligible to participate in the new member program. Exceptions to these policies may be granted by the Student Policy Committee.

Student organizations

Find complete information on student organizations here.

Alcohol policy for student groups

Guidelines for social activities

The following considerations should be made when any registered student organization, group or team conducts a social activity. These guides to conducting social activities are broadly stated to provide general guidance. All social activities must be registered with the Office of Student Life and Leadership, at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled event, must be approved prior to holding the event, and must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. All social activities must be in compliance with city, state, and federal statutes. 
  2. Social activities may not threaten the physical safety of groups or individuals.
  3. Social activities with a theme and/or dress in violation of college policies concerning racial harassment/discrimination are prohibited.
  4. Social activities may not have a theme and/or dress that violates college policies concerning sexual harassment, discrimination or conduct demeaning any group. Examples include themes that are suggestive of supervisor/subordinate or adult/minor behavior and/or relationships that are illegal.
  5. Social activities may not include content which can reasonably be presumed to damage the mission of the college.

Contingency fund applications

The Contingency Fund is a reserve fund allocated each year as emergency funding for unexpected events that may occur. These allocated funds are the main source of income for the working budgets of the Observer, Homecoming Committee, Student Life Programing Board (SLPB) and the Student Government Association (SGA). Priority shall be given to these groups when allocations of the Contingency Fund are considered. When deemed feasible, the Central Budgeting Agency (CBA) will allocate money from the Contingency Fund for distribution as outlined in the CBA constitution.

The main function of the Contingency Fund shall be the enactment and promotion of activities and organizations that have a beneficial effect on a majority of students. With this in mind, no requests for funds by individuals shall be considered an appropriate use of the Contingency Fund.

A written request containing all pertinent information deemed necessary shall be submitted to the SGA prior to the meeting at which the contingency request will be considered. The SGA shall follow all policies and procedures outlined in its constitution and by-laws regarding the allocation of the Contingency Fund. Each year, a list of funding priorities is established, which is available to student groups prior to their making a request for funding.

Fundraising projects

Student groups should follow these regulations concerning fundraising projects:

  1. Any campus organization planning a fundraising activity must receive clearance for the project from the Student Policy Committee or the Chair of the Student Policy Committee. Contact the Dean of Students to initiate the approval process.
  2. Fundraising projects may not only include freewill donations. The organization should provide goods or services (beyond selling items in excess of the monetary value) that can be purchased at the discretion of the potential buyer. An exception to this rule is the sale of buttons and tags for major college events such as Homecoming.
  3. Solicitation of funds from the Quad-City community is not permitted. Official school publications are excepted. Other exceptions may be made with the consent of the Vice President for Advancement.
  4. Raffles and similar drawings for prizes are not permitted.
  5. Members of student organizations may not personally solicit donations on behalf of their organization(s) from individual members of the campus community unless they do so in public areas* of the campus and have had their fundraising project(s) approved by the Dean of Students Office.
  6. Student organizations using off-campus venues (i.e. restaurants, pubs) to raise funds must coordinate with the Assistant Director of Student Activities to establish a formula for dollars raised and delivery of donations.

*Examples of public areas include: building lobbies and lounges (with permission of building supervisor), campus grounds and approved areas of the uedbet体育官网 Center. Areas NOT designated as public areas include: Residence hall living areas, campus offices, classrooms and hallways in academic buildings.

Guidelines for T-shirt and advertising designs

uedbet体育官网 recognized student organizations or student groups affiliated with uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 may not publicly display images that promote the consumption of alcohol or replicas or depictions of firearms. Faculty oversees the use of props or images for educational activities as they deem appropriate.

Designs for student organization T-shirts must be approved by staff in the Dean of Students Office or the Office of Student Life and Leadership.  If student organizations wish to sell T-shirts, the design, time and location of sales must be approved.


Advisors must supervise an organization's travel, whether that means travel with the group, find another staff or faculty member to serve as the supervisor, or advise the traveling organization from home. The student organization leaders and advisor/s are responsible for ensuring that the following policies are adhered to:

  • All travel must take place in the college-owned or rented vehicles, with the exception of travel within a three-hour drive. For travel within three hours, students may use their own cars and may transport other students if the driver is 21. Drivers under 21 may only transport themselves. When using a personal vehicle, the driver must show proof of insurance and understand that s/he is assuming liability for any travel accidents.
  • All drivers of college or rental vehicles must be 21 years old or older and have valid driver's licenses.
  • Student organizations traveling without an approved college employee will be limited in size to the number of students that can legally fit in one van. Two or more vans of students traveling to the same location require approval from the Dean of Students. Students will be expected to use a bus and professional driver when there are more than 24 people traveling.
  • Travel is limited to an eight-hour drive from campus for student organizations traveling without an approved college employee (this means a maximum of about 500 miles by interstate). Students will be expected to receive approval of travel plans from their advisor and will be required to check in with the advisor on a regular basis. Travel beyond eight hours requires approval from the Dean of Students.
  • "Registered organizations" not initiated by college employees (these groups include Greeks, multicultural groups, service groups, recreational groups and interest groups) or affiliated with an academic department may travel in their own vehicles up to three hours from campus if travel is completed in one day. When using a personal vehicle, the driver must show proof of insurance and understand that s/he is assuming liability for any travel accidents.
  • Students encouraged to attend off-campus events as individual members of a class or in support of a "major" are responsible for their own transportation. When using a personal vehicle, the driver must show proof of insurance and understand that s/he is assuming liability for any travel accidents.
  • Drivers should be aware of and be responsible for all local and state driving laws. In particular, no one can consume or be under the influence of alcohol while traveling.
  • Participants should be aware of the alcohol and drug policies for student organizations, found in the Student Handbook.
  • All participants must understand a plan for emergencies that might occur on the road or during the event.
  • A student leader in each vehicle should have a cell phone.
  • If there is no chaperone, student leaders should check in with the advisor by phone on a regular schedule.
  • If there is no chaperone, the advisor should make final decisions about travel plans during bad weather.
  • uedbet体育官网 vehicles may only be used for travel approved by the advisor.
  • For trips which require five or more nights, or are out of the country, students must:

(1) Gain approval in writing for travel to the site(s) from the Director of International Programs
(2) Use the procedures, policies, and forms supplied by the Office of International Programs.

Additional approval from the Dean or Vice President over the department is also required. The Dean of Students will provide approval for uedbet体育官网 Recognized Student Organizations.

  • For exceptions, contact the Dean of Students.

Guidelines for student organization use of Centennial Hall and Wallenberg Hall

The following guidelines have been established to better accommodate the vast number of requests made for use of Centennial Hall and Wallenberg Hall within the uedbet体育官网 community.

Requests for the use of Centennial Hall and Wallenberg Hall can only be made by the student organization adviser or organizational officers.

The use of Centennial Hall and Wallenberg Hall will be limited to events that have been previously offered on campus and are deemed appropriate by the uedbet体育官网 for these spaces. New programs and events must be tried in smaller venues such as Larson Hall, Potter Hall, or the Westerlin Main Lounge. Events that command large audiences (250+) will be considered eligible for future Centennial/Wallenberg reservations. Consideration for using Centennial Hall will be given for events that cannot feasibly work in any other venue.

Student organizations can use Centennial Hall and Wallenberg Hall a maximum of once per term. Events that command audience attendance at 75% of capacity can request a second performance date the following year.

Student organizations are limited to one rehearsal for events in Centennial Hall and two rehearsals for events in Wallenberg Hall. Consideration will be given to events that require significant set-up or technical support.

An outline of the technical requirements necessary for the event must be submitted at the time a reservation is requested. 

Contact Danielle Roman, Ticket Office Manager, for ticket sales assistance.

The demand for venue space increases every year. The following scheduling priorities and timeline for annual reservations have been established based on the mission and needs of uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 community.

  • Academic (especially performing arts) and recurring major campus events (October)
  • Office of Student Life and Leadership (November)
  • Campus Departments (December)
  • Student Recitals (January)
  • Student Groups (March)
  • Off-Campus Organizations (May)

Guidelines for student organization use of campus property

The following guidelines have been established to better accommodate the large number of requests made for use of outdoor locations on campus such as the gazebo, lower quad, upper quad, Founders quad, etc.

Students may request the use of by submitting a request to the Scheduling Office.  Based on the nature of the request and the purpose of the use, students may also need to obtain the approval from the Dean of Students Office, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or the Office of Student Life and Leadership. In order to avoid double bookings, the Scheduling Office will maintain the approved reservations of uedbet体育官网 events which occur out of doors. 

While every effort will be made to promote outdoor activities, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

Noisy activities must not begin until after 5 p.m. when classes are no longer in session. Events using amplified sound may need to obtain a special permit to do so. Please check with Public Safety or the Office of Student Life and Leadership for details. 

Potentially dangerous activities will require approval from uedbet体育官网 Police/Public Safety, in addition to the Dean of Students Office.

Activities that will damage the grass, terrain, sidewalks, buildings or trees are prohibited.

Student organizations are responsible for set up and clean up. Facilities Services may assist with tables, chairs, hoses, electronic equipment, etc., but it is the responsibility of the students to submit their equipment and technical requests to the Scheduling Office preferably at least one week in advance.

Fires are not permitted on campus property without permission from the Dean of Students Office. Prior to seeking permission, a student organization must:

  1. Use a fire pit
  2. Have a fire extinguisher present at all times
  3. Arrange for a professional staff member to be present while the fire is lit.
  4. Arrange for the staff member to extinguish the fire.