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Jacob M. Romaniello

Jacob M. Romaniello

Associate Professor of English, English Language Learner Specialist, Faculty Tutor in the Reading/Writing Center, uedbet体育官网 Prison Education Program

Dr. Jake Romaniello is an English Language Learner Specialist in the Reading/Writing Center. He has a master's degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and a PhD in intercultural education. He has more than 11 years' experience teaching English in Thailand and China.

Dr. Romaniello teaches ENGL 120: Language and Culture of the U.S. and a spring term LSFY class on mindfulness. In the Reading/Writing Center, he works one-on-one with up to 24 students per week on their English language skills.

Specializations: English Language Learners, ELL, Learning Commons, Reading Writing Center


  • B.S., Nyack uedbet体育官网
  • M.A. TESOL, Azusa Pacific University
  • Ph.D., Biola University