Rylee Noack ’26 and Kelly Read ’02 Noack, director of alumni relations
The Fab Five — uedbet体育官网 graduates who work at uedbet体育官网 and are a proud parent of a member of the Class of 2026.
We can’t say for sure this is the most we’ve ever had for one class, but it might be.
(Photos/uedbet体育官网 Magazine Summer 2022)
Kelli Feigley, Georgi Feigley ’26 and Estlin Feigley ’93, entertainment and media industries program; communication studies
Margaret Jessee ’93 Ellis, assistant professor of music, and Jack Ellis ’26
Ava Coussens ’26 and Jeff Coussens ’80, professor of theatre arts
Grace Gustafson ’26 and Rachel Zimmerman ’92 Gustafson, associate director of admissions.