What to expect from tutoring sessions
Tutors will:
? Work with you to develop problem-solving skills.
? Brainstorm study strategies.
? Review concepts through question-asking.
? Guide through the problem.
? Assist with the learning process.
? Provide feedback as you make corrections.
? Not fix, check, or correct problems.
? Not complete homework, exams, or quizzes.
Remember, our tutors are students, too.
Be respectful of the tutor’s time, and let them know if you need to cancel a session or will be late. Save any questions you might have for the tutoring session. Please do not call, email, or text questions related to classwork — instead, come to drop-in hours or schedule an appointment.
Our tutors have the right to end a session if you are:
? Not participating or contributing in the session.
? Being disrespectful to the tutor or tutoring space.
? Using a phone, laptop/computer/tablet, or other device not related to coursework.
? Missing necessary materials (homework, books, notes, etc.).
How to get the most from your session
Try the material on your own first. Do your best to complete whatever problems you are able to before coming to the session. If you don’t know where to start, that’s OK! We just ask that you make an honest effort to try.
Come ready to work. Tutors will guide you through the learning process and ask many questions during a session. Be ready to answer questions, try new things and collaborate. You may be asked to work with other classmates during drop-in hours. Work together and make sure to positively contribute to the group.
Learning takes time. Your brain needs time to process and develop new connections. It is OK not to understand something right away. No matter what your starting point is, you can learn, grow and improve with time. Give yourself grace and adopt a growth mindset. All of us are capable of improvement through dedication and time, and if you believe that, then you will!
Use your resources. Tutoring is just one resource available to you, but there are many others in the community you can approach when you have questions: instructors, advisors, residential advisors, librarians, and tutors. Even if you’re not sure if you’re approaching the right person, go ahead and ask them your question, and if they don’t have the answer, they can likely find the person who does know the answer. When you’re stuck, go to study groups, review sessions, office hours, tutoring resources, the course website, lecture slides, videos, podcasts, and your notes to find beneficial ways to connect with the material.
Review our policies. Make sure you understand any policies and procedures relating to the service you are seeking.
Set realistic expectations. Time with your tutor will be limited. In a typical session, you may only address one-three concepts, and you may not finish your homework during that time. Come ready with a set of priorities so that the most important questions are addressed first.
Establish positive study habits. We all come to uedbet体育官网 with different learning strategies, but some strategies that may have been successful in the past may not be successful at the college level. Plan your time accordingly and see an academic coach to learn new strategies to be successful.
Take responsibility for your performance. We do not guarantee grades for visits with us. A tutor may offer advice and strategies, but ultimately it is your choice whether or not to listen. Your success in your class is reliant on the resources you take advantage of, your own work, and your efforts.