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Visiting the Fryxell Geology Museum

Visitors to the Fryxell Geology Museum will see a complete skeleton of a Platecarpus "sea serpent," skulls of Parasaurolophus, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex.

Fryxell Museum programs and outreach

Fryxell Museum programs and outreach at uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网.

william hammer

Professor brings dinosaur treasures home to campus

The Fryxell Geology Museum is one of the jewels of the uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 campus, and it has been carefully polished by Dr. William Hammer, the head of the museum and professor of geology. Visitors are greeted by a 22-foot Cryolophosaurus, a carnivorous dinosaur he discovered in Antarctica in 1991.