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Winter Symposium Day 2017


Symposium Day: Privilege starts with student/advisor meetings (at 9 a.m.) followed by five sets of concurrently scheduled presentations, discussions and performances from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. One featured speaker is scheduled during each of the first four concurrent sessions; the last set of sessions is an opportunity for reflection, bringing people and ideas together, and looking ahead. Symposium Day is an opportunity to debate, discuss, learn, and where we can, to act.

Schedule overview

9-9:45 a.m.    
Advising sessions

10-11 a.m.    
Featured speaker I/Session I

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.    
Featured speaker II/Session II/ lunch on your own

12:30-1:30 p.m.    
Session III/lunch on your own

1:45-2:45 p.m.    
Featured speaker III/Session IV

3-4 p.m.    
Session V: Discussions, Reflection and Looking Ahead

7-9 p.m.    
Featured presentation IV: Guerilla Girls at uedbet体育官网

Extended sessions 1:45-4 p.m.

Pillars of Privilege: A First Step in Mandatory Faculty “Diversity Training” 
Dr. Sharon Varallo, communication studies, co-director Center for Faculty Enrichment; Dr. Paul Croll, sociology; Dr. Sheila Goins, business administration; Dr. Wendy Hilton-Morrow, associate dean; Dr. Chris Strunk, geography; Dr. Christopher Whitt, political science
Hanson 102

Understanding the Effects of and Responses to Privilege Through Intergroup Monopoly (session ends at 3:15 p.m.)
Dr. Lisa Szafran, psychology; Psychology of Prejudice (PSYC 271) students
Olin 305

Help Us Pack Meals for Kids Against Hunger!
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
G?vle 1, 2, The Gerber Center
Jackie Kwasigroch, CORE Community Service Office; Rachel Kammerzelt, CORE; Madelin LoCicero, CORE

Come help the CORE Community Service Office pack meals for Kids Against Hunger! Kids Against Hunger is an international food relief organization; meals made will be shipped throughout 60 countries worldwide, including the United States. Our goal is to pack over 13,000 meals today! For more information, please contact Jackie Kwasigroch.

9-9:45 a.m. advising sessions

Students meet with their academic advisors in assigned rooms.

10-11 a.m. Session I

Featured speaker: Theresa Williamson, executive director, Catalytic Communities
Whose Narrative? What Happens when Rio de Janeiro's Favelas Speak for Themselves?
Olin Auditorium

Typically it is the privileged that set a narrative and nowhere is this clearer than in Rio de Janeiro, where the city's favelas have experienced a 100-plus year legacy of marginalization. The talk will present this historical context in light of recent trends to greater visibility for favela voices and the new narrative that is unfolding thanks to communities' empowerment, strategic global communications and social media. The talk thus offers effective strategies for confronting privilege, social inequality and power dynamics in transformative ways.

What do Americans Think about White Privilege?
Dr. Paul Croll, sociology
Larson Hall, Bergendoff Hall

Do Americans believe white privilege exists? What groups are more or less likely to see white privilege? How do beliefs about white privilege affect other attitudes? This session will explore Americans' attitudes about white privilege using data from a recent national survey and provide a space for discussion about the significance of white privilege in our society today.

Art as Activism
Dr. Jennifer Popple, theatre, women's and gender studies
Black Box Theatre, Brunner Theatre Center

Minita Gandhi, a Chicago based actress, will present a session on developing and using one's art as a site for activism. Come learn how to channel your own activism through expression of different art forms.

"No Homo, Bro": The Complexities of Sexuality and Gender Intertwined with Race in the Black Community
Denzel Woodall, Michael Rogers, Multicultural Student Life
Wilson Center, Brunner Theatre Center

One of the least thoroughly discussed topics in the black community is sexuality; in many families, you are either heterosexual or homeless. This discussion will attempt to pinpoint the complexities and motivations within intertwining sexuality and gender based on race, with a focus on the black community. One main issue being discussed will be the environmental effects on diverse cultures and how that ties into the walls between prejudice and peace.

Christian Privilege?
Dr. Jason Mahn, religion; Emily Stine, first year honors student; Hannah Griggs, religion major and Interfaith Understanding leader
Wallenberg Hall, Denkmann Memorial Building

Many Americans are increasingly acknowledging white privilege and trying to dismantle it. But what about Christian privilege? How does living in a country where Christianity is the cultural-religious norm affect those who do not identify as Christian? And why would Christians, too, be interested in dismantling the privilege they gain through their religion? Through presentation and conversation, this session will grapple with these and other important ideas.

Teaching in the age of Trump: Voices from the trenches
Dr. Michael Scarlett, Haylee O'Donnell, Katie Aquadro, Kylee Villarreal, Anne McBarron, education
Evald Hall 17-18

Augie Elementary Education student teachers reflect on their experiences teaching during one of the most divisive elections in American history. They will discuss how they struggled to help their students make sense of an election that challenged their own beliefs and values.

Do “the Media” Elect Presidents? Exploring Mediated Citizenship and the 2016 Presidential Election
Dr. Ian Kivelin Davis, Dr. Carolyn Yaschur, Dr. Meg Kunde, Dr. David Schwartz; communications studies
Hanson 102

News is essential for democracy, so what happens when our news system fails to inform? From Facebook to Google news, journalism is changing, but new media also challenge the privileged role of the journalist. This panel investigates media, how it is changing and what must remain for media old and new to serve electoral democracy.

Trying to do the Right Thing with the Wrong Brain: Evolutionary Legacies in the 21st Century
Dr. Rupa Gordon, Dr. Ian Harrington, Dr. Shara Stough, psychology and neuroscience
Hanson 304

The pressures that helped shape our brains are not the same as those we face today. For example, our distant ancestors evolved preferences for sweet and fatty foods when such resources were scarce. Today we can find fast food chains on every corner. Similarly, early hominids lived in small groups that were linked by direct family lineage. Today a single city block can be home to hundreds of people from dozens of racial, ethnic, religious, and other backgrounds. Our brains evolved to help us quickly recognize threats, including potentially unfamiliar out-groups. Unfortunately, those mechanisms that once promoted our survival might now lead to bias against those who are judged to be “different” from us, whoever “we” happen to be. In this session, we will discuss several of these psychological and neural mechanisms, and how we might counter these automatic responses in a world where diversity is the rule, rather than the exception.

Invited presentation: Privilege and Social Injustice in African Society through Film and Literature
Abou-Bakar Mamah, Ph.D. candidate, French department, University of Minnesota
Hanson 305

From its core definition, which implies some particular treatment of an individual in relation to a mass or a situation in relation to other events, the word "privilege" poses a problem. Its meaning implies arbitrariness, which cannot de facto divest itself of social injustice. My objective in this presentation is to illustrate, using concrete examples and through the film as well as literature, how privilege functions as the basis of social injustice in the African society undermined by political cronyism and whose traditional hierarchical composition remains fundamentally ethnic and tribal.

"I'm not a racist but...": Lets get real and talk about the "but"
Samuel Payan, director, Multicultural Student Life; Chris Beyer, director, Residential Life
Olin 305

Participants will be in engaged in an interactive facilitated discussion regarding racial White identity in a learning space. The presentation will be aided with videos that will challenge participants to rethink their racial schemas.

Is it OK for any Choir to Sing Gospel Music?
Dr. Jon Hurty, music; Keith Hampton, Cantor to the Seminary Community Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago; members of the uedbet体育官网 Choir
Potter Hall, Bergendoff Hall

Performance by the uedbet体育官网 Choir with discussion about a choir that is primarily made up of singers of European descent performing music from a traditionally African American art form. Questions about race, ethnicity, art, music and performance practice will be discussed. This session is interactive and will include both musical performance and discussion of the topic. Participants will also be encouraged to sing along with the choir.

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Session II (or lunch on your own)

Featured speaker: Dr. Nancy Evans, Student Affairs Program, School of Education, Iowa State University
The Privilege of Being Able-Bodied: Examining Disability Through a Social Justice Lens
Olin Auditorium

The concepts of privilege, power, and social inequality are usually associated with race, gender, and sexual orientation. However, people with disabilities also experience their effects. This presentation will help you to understand the concept of ableism, a pervasive system of discrimination and exclusion of people with disabilities that privileges able-bodied people and disadvantages people with disabilities. We will specifically examine ways that ableism is manifested on college campuses and how it can be addressed using social justice principles.

Complexities of the Prison Industrial Complex as a Source for Entertainment
Keenan Odenkirk, Office of Multicultural Student Life
Larson Hall, Bergendoff Hall

I will present my research into the prison industrial complex as it pertains to communities of color and prisons' representation in the media. I will give statistics/information regarding prison demographics, crime rates, and history about the War on Drugs and the industrialization of the prison industry. I will open the floor for discussion with several discussion questions. For the second half, I will explain the overlaps between the media and prison industry's, and how one can be used to benefit the other. The floor will once again be opened to discussion.

Why Would an Innocent Person Confess to a Crime? How False and Coerced Confessions in Police Interrogations Contribute to the Prison-Industrial Complex
Dr. Sharon Varallo, communication studies
Honkamp Black Box, Brunner Theatre Center

This session, a repeat of Dr. Varallo's 2016 presentation with updates, introduces the who, what, where, when, and why of false and coerced confessions during police interrogations. With context both regional and local, and illustrated with personal testimony, this session sheds light on the ease with which an innocent person might be arrested, convicted and jailed in this country.

Invited presentation: Match the (Print) Ads! — A Workshop on Media Influence
11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. (extended session)
Dr. Heidi R. Lewis, Associate Director & Assistant Professor of Feminist & Gender Studies at Colorado uedbet体育官网
Wilson Center, Brunner Theatre Center

This workshop examines how race, gender, sexuality, class, and other social, cultural, and political markers are constructed in media and how those constructions often rely on racism, heterosexism, and other forms of oppression and privilege. The short lecture portion entails Dr. Lewis introducing participants to theories and methodologies developed in the fields of Cultural Studies, Critical Media Studies, and Feminist Studies, as well as the work of the National Communication Association and the Center for Media Literacy. The exercise portion entails small groups of participants examining advertisements and trying to determine the magazines from which the advertisements were taken followed by a large group discussion.

Tackling Environmental Racism: Addressing child lead poisoning in Davenport, Iowa
Dr. Michael Reisner, Director, uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Upper Mississippi Center for Sustainable Communities; Ms. Rita Rawson, City of Davenport 5th Ward Alderwoman; Dr. Edward Rivers, Director of Scott County Health Department; Tanner Osing, public health, geography; and Dr. Angie Carter, sociology
Denkmann Memorial Building, Wallenberg Hall

Lead poisoning is not just a Flint, Michigan problem. Every year about 50 children under age 6 are poisoned by lead in Davenport, Iowa.  Join us for a dialogue about the environmental/social justice dimensions of this ongoing public health crisis. We will also discuss the multi-faceted social, economic, and environmental drivers of this crisis. We will also engage in an interactive diolague about how you (students, faculty, staff, community members) can get involved to help solve this environmental justice problem facing our community

Our Society's Rape Culture and Privilege: The Story of a Broken Lock
Hanson 102

We all know the statistics of sexual assault on college campuses. But how does rape culture relate to privilege? How do certain pressures in our society contribute to silence, guilt, and victim blaming? Why are some convicted individuals given years in jail, while some are released after three months?

Power, Wealth, the Indigenous and the Environment
Pastor Jose Pilar Alvarez Cabrera; Dr. Steve Barrett, Centro Ecumenico de Integracion Pastoral in Guatemala
Hanson 304

Jose Pilar Alvarez Cabrera is pastor to a small Lutheran church in eastern Guatemala that accompanies indigenous Mayan communities on the nearby mountain Las Granadillas.  The church works with the communities to protect their land and water rights. As a founding member of the Association for the Protection of Las Granadillas, he has faced numerous death threats, destructive vandalism and legal harrassment. Pastor Pilar will discuss the (mis)use of power and privilege in a Latin American setting.

Innocence and Privilege
Dr. Eric Stewart, religion, honors; Dr. Dan Morris, religion
Hanson Hall of Science 305

We will examine the concept of innocence as it relates to privilege in America. Our inquiries will target mostly racial/ethnic and religious notions of innocence and how these have shaped the self-understanding of dominant and marginalized groups in American society. Our conversation partners include, among others, James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Exploring Seminal Moments in Black History at uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网
Samantha Crisp, Library
Special Collections. Tredway Library

The materials in Special Collections document a number of seminal moments in uedbet体育官网's history related to civil rights, social justice, and the lived experience of students of color. Participants at this session will have the opportunity to engage hands-on with unique primary sources related to topics such as the founding of the Black Student Union, the organization of a Black Power Symposium, a sit-in for racial equality, and a women's liberation symposium. In doing so, we will confront several questions related to privilege, including: "how does the historical record reflect systems of social inequality, and how do we address these gaps in uedbet体育官网's history?" This will be an interactive, discussion-driven session grounded in a focused analysis of primary source documents and images.

A Seat at the Table: Involving Students on Matters that Impact Them
Michael Rogers, Multicultural Student Life
Olin 305

What role do faculty, staff, and administrators play in either oppressing or liberating students through the system of education? Utilizing Paulo Freire's theory of education, this session will explore new ways for students and campus members to collaborate in an effort to facilitate a more liberating educational experience. Participants will walk away with practical tools and steps to implement in the classroom, in supervisory relationships, and other areas of campus life.

Speaking of Privilege...
Dr. Jeff Renaud, WLLC (Spanish); Dr. Lisa Seidlitz, WLLC (German)
Evald 17-18

“Privilege” as defined as “an unearned advantage afforded to one group over another” is often discussed with respect to class, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, ability... but is rarely applied to language. This open-discussion session addresses privilege from a linguistic perspective and explores its effects in three domains relevant to language--standard versus non-standard; native versus non-native; and monolingual versus multilingual--with each subtopic introduced by a short video clip.

12:30-1:30 p.m. Session III (or lunch on your own)

Religion, Politics, and Sin Taxes
Dr. Spencer C. Usrey, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Dr. Thomas Z. Webb, The University of Mississippi; Dr. Gregory P. Tapis, accounting
Larson Hall, Bergendoff Hall

This study analyzes the determinants of explicit and implicit state tax revenues from the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and gambling which are commonly referred to as sin taxes. We focus on the effects of religion and political ideology on sin tax revenues.

Power and Privilege in Guatemala
Dr. Chris Strunk, geography and Latin American studies; Michael Adams, Liam Baldwin, Sophia Bolanos, Nora Bosslet, Jace Bright, Rachel Cabrera, Ayana Cavazos, Haimanot Dagnew, Emily Fahs, Guadalupe Gallegos, Carissa Gilliland, Meghan Graham, Lydia Lara, Jordan Midgley, Tanner Osing, Alexa Prejna, Chad Populoru
Honkamp Black Box, Brunner Theatre Center

Geography of Latin America students will present their research on power, privilege and environmental justice issues in Guatemala as part of a collaborative project with the Guatemala study away program. Issues include environmental conservation, tourism, indigenous movements, transnational migration, truth and reconciliation, and more.

Smile, You’re White: An Open Poetry Reading on Privilege
Rebecca Wee, creative writing/English; ENCW330 students: Emilie Antolik, Jason Carey, Samantha Creech, Trevor Jablonski, Allyson Jesse, Cassie Roberts, Kristin Schoenecker, Uxmar Torres, Sam Wilson
Wallenberg Hall, Denkmann Memorial Building

Students from ENCW330 (Forms of Poetry) will read their poetry and/or work by others that address privilege. Once students from class have read we'll invite audience members to share poems on the subject that are important to them.

Equality of Educational Opportunity and Privilege: Are Charter Schools the Answer to Issues Facing Urban Schools?
Dr. Mike Schroeder, Dr. Pat Shea, Nofisat Eletu; education
Evald 17-18

This session will examine the impact of the charter school movement on urban school systems and, most importantly, on the young people who attend urban schools. Special focus will be placed on the success of the Epic Achievement Academy High School on the south side of Chicago, and the impact of the Epic experience on students from disadvantaged backgrounds.  Presenters include Nofisat Eletu, an uedbet体育官网 student who graduated from Epic Academy.

Invited presentation: What’s Love Got to Do with It? White Desire, Country Music, and Cross-Border Love
Dr. Lee Bebout, Department of English, Arizona State University
Hanson 102

It is common for racism in the US to be cast as synonymous with hate and degradation. Because of this, romanticized depictions of people of color can actively perpetuate white supremacy while simultaneously being difficult to address as such. Drawing Frank Chin’s concept of “racist love” this presentation traces the dynamics of “white desire” in country music to show how representations of Mexico, Mexicans, and Mexican Americans are used to express the logics of white supremacy. This presentation will conclude with a discussion of cross-border love—rooted in a discussion of other recent songs, participants will explore the possibility of music to build and express empathetic connections against racism.

Privilege or Partnership? Augie’s Ongoing Work with Alpha Academy in Jamaica
Dr. Mike Egan, education; Lorna Williams, head of mathematics, Alpha Academy (Jamaica); other staff and students from Alpha Academy
Hanson 304

Since 2013, uedbet体育官网 students and faculty have engaged in a service relationship with Alpha Academy, an all-girls high school in Kingston, Jamaica.  Augie contributions have included bi-annual math teaching internships facilitated through the Augie Jamaica Program, ongoing mathematics instructional support delivered through a devoted website, and the full-time consultancy work of an Augie faculty member during his sabbatical leave in ’15-’16.  During this session, staff and students from Alpha will join us via Skype to discuss the mutual benefits of the partnership.  This session should appeal to anyone interested in international service-learning and, more specifically, in forming sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with international partners.

Microaggressions: Myth or Mirage, Fact or Fiction
Dr. Mark Salisbury, director, Institutional Research and Assessment; Katrina Friedrich, psychology
Hanson 305

The concept of microaggressions has become a hotly contested topic of conversation among advocates for social justice and critics of political correctness. In the spring of 2015, uedbet体育官网 collected data from first year students based on a proposed taxonomy of microaggressions. While the findings suggest differences in student's perceptions and experiences, they also complicate common assertions about microaggressions and maybe even challenge the usefulness of the construct.

Design as Critique: Design as Question: Design as Provocation
Vickie Phipps, art
Old Main 202

Part 1: Take a walk through the mind of an art professor: a short overview of work created during pre-tenure leave, Spring term 2016. Works range from quick sketches to major works.

Part 2: A studio session where participants are invited into the design process to help shape an ongoing project entitled Color Theory. Color Theory is an art project concerned with self-reflection and unpacking connotations and denotations around our ideas of color and persons.

Racial Battle Fatigue: To Be Black and Tired
Michael Rogers, assistant director, Office of Multicultural Student Life
Olin 305

Why are movements such as Black Lives Matter still needed in 2016? Why do Black people continue to fight for basic human rights, dignity, and respect in the 21st century? This session will explore how systemic racism manifests itself in the daily lives of Black people in the form of Racial Battle Fatigue. Attendees will learn about this concept, discuss signs of those struggling with Racial Battle Fatigue, and identify ways to be well in a world that may seem to be against you.

Political Science Views on Election 2016 and Beyond
Dr. Christopher Whitt, Dr. Mariano Magalhaes, Dr. David Dehnel, Dr. Xiaowen Zhang, Dr. Brian Lovato; political science
Olin Auditorium

The professors of the political science department will engage in a scholarly discussion and field questions from those in attendance on the controversial 2016 election cycle that resulted in the election of Donald Trump which and has exposed various elements of privilege and lack of privilege. Each of the professors in the political science department comes from different academic perspectives within political science. The campaigns, divisions in the American electorate, global implications, the expectations for whats to come with the newly elected government and American politics in 2017 and beyond will be discussed. The session will feature perspectives on identity politics, political behavior, constitutional issues, comparative politics, political thought, foreign relations, public policy, and much more.

1:45-2:45 p.m. Session IV

Featured speaker: Dr. Eduardo Marquez ’08, DC, CCSP, QC Core Chiropractic Wellness Center
Growing Holistic Views in Today’s Healthcare
Olin Auditorium

Dr. Marquez will explore the difference between allopathic/traditional healthcare and "alternative"/holistic healthcare with a goal of understanding holistic healthcare and its growing role in today’s healthcare paradigm. He will also discuss uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网’s influence on his understanding of health, which guided his career path and where he is today.

How to Talk uedbet体育官网 Privilege when You Are the One Who Has It
Joe Carroll, president, uedbet体育官网 Republicans, history education; Dr. Mark Salisbury, Director of Assessment & Institutional Research
Larson Hall, Bergendoff Hall of Fine Arts

There will be an open discussion featuring a politically diverse panel of faculty and students that will focus on strategies to bridge the political divide and discuss issues of privilege on a polarized campus. Panelist will present and model multiple strategies similar to “They Say, I Say” in order to cultivate a climate where students and faculty can empathize and respectfully engage in intellectual discussion and debate about issues of privilege. This session is sponsored by the uedbet体育官网 Republicans.

Invited presentation — Privilege: “The time is always right to do what is right” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Deborah Mitchell, Ph.D. candidate, Housing Studies, University of Minnesota
Wilson Center, Brunner Theatre Center

Workshop: Privilege — with all that is going on throughout our country one might say that “privilege” projects — “violence” “denial” or “force” and that there are agents or members in our society that are born with innate privileges because of their lineage. Privileges at birth enables this group to reap socioeconomic advantages while leaving those less fortunate to be pushed to the margins. Understanding privilege and our connection to this powerful word is what this workshop wishes to explore.

Im-Perfect: Living with Mental Illness
Ben Bruster, Brendan Griffin, Nick Winter
Evald 17-18

Mental illness embodies a crude double-edged sword if there ever were one: it is both a tremendous privilege and a painful curse. Through our stories, we hope to address some of the uncertainties, misconceptions, and judgements surrounding mental illness; aiming to promote acceptance, to teach useful coping mechanisms, and to start the conversation, whereby defying taboo.

The Literacy Connection
Dr. Danielle Beliveau-Derion, Kylee Villareal, Anne McBarron, education
Evald Great Hall

The presentation will focus on a research project conducted in a Title 1 (low-socioeconomic population) elementary school. uedbet体育官网 Elementary Education students worked with struggling readers and English Learners (ELs) in kindergarten and first grade three days a week for 30 minutes for 10 weeks of winter term 2015-16. The instructional strategies applied were directly tied to their Elementary Literacy Methods coursework. The small group instruction provided an opportunity for students to put theory into practice while supporting literacy with struggling readers. Data was collected over the 10 weeks to document change over time in literacy development. The presenter will provide an overview of the project and the students will present posters on their case study.

Stereotypes and Prejudice — LGBTQ+ Identities, Experiences, and Myths
Mercedes VanOpdorp, Gender and Sexuality Alliance
Hanson 304

There are many stereotypes and myths that exist about the LGBT+ community. Let's dispell them together. Join the Gender and Sexuality Alliance to discuss how gender, sexuality, and the many harmful stereotypes about the queer community all relate to privilege.

The Privilege to be Ignorant: U.S. Global Supremacy Behind the Facade of Democracy
Logan Green, sociology
Hanson 305

Recent domestic events have heightened Americans' sense of anxiety and many fear what lay ahead. This anxiety, while certainly justified, simultaneously reveals the ignorance, intentionally crafted by those at the helm of the political-economic order, of the majority of American citizens to the workings of the American Empire. This presentation hopes to offer a glimpse into "the corporate war economy," as the social scientist Carl Boggs put it.

3-4 p.m. Session V

uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Republicans: Walking on Eggshells
Brian Guerrero, vice-president, uedbet体育官网 Republicans; uedbet体育官网 Republicans
Bergendoff Hall of Fine Arts, Larson Hall

The uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Republicans will be hosting an open discussion panel focused on privileges afforded to the political left and its effect on free speech on campus. Come get to know the uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Republicans. A safe space will be created to encourage an open discussion for all attending perspectives.

Do the Hokey Pokey With the SafePeeps!
Dr. Margaret France, English, advising; SafePeeps
Honkamp Black Box, Brunner Theatre Center

This is a fun-time training that will allow people to dig into their own experience of gender and sexuality while learning to treat all peeps with dignity and respect!

As It Is Happening: Getting Where We Need To Be
Dr. Evelyn Campbell, dean of students
G?vle 3, The Gerber Center

Take time to discuss, debate, reflect, or simply to grab a snack at the end of a long day. The Symposium Day sessions will raise questions as well as provide ideas for where we can — and need — to be. This is an open session where you can share reactions and ideas. We want to hear from you.

Sustained Dialogue Simulation
Chris Beyer, director, Residential Life, Sustained Dialogue; Anne Calder, Advancement; Rachel Weiss, Tredway Library; Rebecca Marion-Flesch, CORE; Colin Kalmes
Hanson Hall of Science 304

You have heard about Sustained Dialogue at uedbet体育官网. Are you wondering what it's all about?  Join us for a facilitated discussion that will simulate what a sustained dialogue groups experiences over the course of 10 weeks.

7-9 p.m. Featured Presentation IV

Guerrilla Girls at uedbet体育官网
Centennial Hall

For more than 30 years, the Guerrilla Girls have been stirring up audiences with presentations in full jungle drag. Two Guerrilla Girls will share trade secrets about how they expose discrimination and corruption in art, politics and pop culture.