Winter Symposium Day 2015-16
Social Justice
Symposium Day: Social Justice starts with student/advisor meetings (at 9 a.m.) followed by five sets of concurrently scheduled presentations, discussions and performances from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. One featured speaker is scheduled during each of the first four concurrent sessions; the last set of sessions is an opportunity for reflection, bringing people and ideas together and looking ahead. This Symposium Day is an opportunity to debate, discuss, learn, and where we can, to act.
Schedule overview
9-9:45 a.m.
Advising sessions
10-11 a.m.
Featured speaker I/Session I
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Featured speaker II/Session II/ lunch on your own
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Featured speaker III/Session III/lunch on your own
1:45-2:45 p.m.
Featured speaker IV/Session IV
3-4 p.m.
Session V: Discussions, Reflection and Looking Ahead
Extended Sessions
Justice, inclusion and respect: Share your experiences anonymously with President Bahls
President Steve Bahls
Fourth floor hallway, Gerber Center
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
President Bahls is preparing a president's statement on justice, inclusion and respect to help guide uedbet体育官网 to become a leader among colleges. President Bahls requests that students share their experiences with justice, inclusion and respect at uedbet体育官网 (positive or negative) so that he might benefit from them before he prepares his statement. President Bahls will not be at the session, so student can anonymously record their experiences.
Bone Marrow Donation Registry Drive
Epsilon Sigma Alpha and Be The Match Bone Marrow Registry Drive
Fourth floor hallway, Gerber Center
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
A panel of experts, donation receivers, donators will discuss the many different aspects of bone marrow donation and how the registry can help save lives.
Music and Social Justice
Eric Mathis, art
The Oasis (Game Room), Gerber Center 402
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
This will be an ongoing, interactive media/listening experience rather than a lecture. Addressing social justice takes many forms, and musical artists are no exception. This will be a chance for visitors to be exposed to merely a tiny representation of the vast amount of music which addresses social injustice. Anyone will also have the opportunity to contribute to a list of music of this type.
Compassion to Action: A Community Service Opportunity on Campus
Keri Bass, Assistant Director of Community Service
CORE Commons (first floor Olin)
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Make some time to take action this Symposium Day. CORE, in collaboration with Royal Neighbors, is hosting a community service event on campus where students can spend 5 minutes or a couple of hours working on the different projects that will be available. Projects include care packages for a domestic violence shelter, care packages for a homeless shelter, cards for patients at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital, dog and cat toys for the QCAWC, and tie blankets for residents at St. Anthony's.
Theatre of the Oppressed: An Interactive Workshop in Affecting Social Change
Steven Barrett, Centro Ecumenico de Integracion Pastoral in Guatemala and the uedbet体育官网 Psychology Department; Jeff Coussens, theatre arts
Evald 18
10 a.m.-noon
Theatre of the Oppressed is a type of process and performance developed by Brazilian theatre artist Augusto Boal as a way to use theatre to affect positive social change. Through an improvisational exercise designed to break down physical and psychological barriers, participants will experience a transformative exploration of self and community that engages performers and spectators in constructive interaction and dialogue. Barrett’s residency is sponsored by the uedbet体育官网 Institute for Leadership and Service.
Change or Be Changed! Making Climate Justice a Reality
Dr. Angie Carter, sociology; Dr. Jenny Burnham, geography; Global Affect students
Hanson 304
1:45-3:45 p.m.
Climate justice is social justice. Food, water, extreme weather, inequality: civilization is at an important tipping point and what we choose to do now to act on climate change will decide our future. Scientists, faith leaders, politicians, and activists from across the globe are advocating for systems change. This session will show "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate," a new documentary based upon Naomi Klein's best selling book, and follow with a discussion focused on ideas and strategies for local engagement and action.
9-9:45 a.m. advising sessions
Students meet with their academic advisors in assigned rooms.
10-11 a.m. Session I
Featured speaker: Bassam Tariq, TED Fellow and film director
The Beautiful and Complicated History of Muslim America
Gerber Center, G?vle Room
For the past eight years, Bassam Tariq has travelled to all 50 states chronicling stories for his viral travelogue 30 Mosques in 30 Days and his many ongoing writing projects. In this talk, he brings the complex history of Muslim America to life: starting from the African burial grounds found at the World Trade Center site to the present-day War On Terror’s targeting of Muslims. Through first-hand accounts, Bassam Tariq gives a deeply intimate look into the diverse lives lived in Muslim America.
Judaism and Social Justice
Rabbi Henry Karp from the Quad Cities Temple, in association with uedbet体育官网’s Office of Residential Life
Hanson 102
Rabbi Karp will be speaking will be speaking on Tikkun Olam, meaning "repair the world" or "making the earth like heaven." Rabbi Karp will discuss what Tikkun Olam means in Judaism and what it looks like in practice. For those unfamiliar with the Jewish faith, this session will bring insight into an illuminating experience.
Consumerism and Modern Slavery
Dr. Chris Strunk - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography; Jillian Jespersen '16 and Alyssa Kendell '16, co-presidents of Students for Ethical Global Awareness Club; other club members.
Hanson 304
Join the Students for Ethical Global Awareness as we examine ethical consumption and production of goods, both locally and globally as well as the effect on the environment. This session will delve into the topic of modern slavery in a variety of countries. We will discuss at length the worldwide issue of unfair labor conditions and wages, as well as how they impact uedbet体育官网's campus. This session will be discussion based, so come to share your thoughts!
Young Alumni Connections to Careers Centered on Social Justice
Kevin Carton ’10, CORE, career development; Alex Washington ’09, CORE, alumni connections
Hanson 305
This interactive session allows young Alumni to connect with current students to share their connections between work and a range of Social Justice Issues. Young alumni will describe how they were challenged to think critically at uedbet体育官网 & how their personal values have shaped their work with Social Justice Issues.
Choral Music and Social Justice
Dr. Jon Hurty, music; uedbet体育官网 Choir
Larson Hall
The uedbet体育官网 Choir will sing some selections that revolve around the themes of social justice and lead a discussion about how choral music and singing can help us to be more aware of, and concerned about the issue of social justice.
Angels in America: The Transgender Tipping Point and What That Means for our Society
Audrey Johnsen '18, women's and gender studies, theatre arts
Old Main 132
Time Magazine described 2014 as a “transgender tipping point,” a moment in our society when transwomen stopped accepting the injustices of society and fought back, demanding a correction of the wrongs that had been done to them. However, how effective were those demands? Was the tipping point the beginning of a downhill battle or the end of a sinking ship? Audrey Johnsen, a sophomore and a transwoman, analyzes the way our current society views transwomen and attempts to answer this question.
Freedom Fighters or Terrorists? The Perspectives of a New Generation
Andre Rivera ’19, music education; Morten Wa Byaombe, Human Rights Commissioner for Rock Island
Olin Auditorium
Human Rights Commissioner, Morten Wa Byaombe is a refugee from the Congo and came to Rock Island in 2010. Through a personal reflection of life in the Congo to the present, Mr. Wa Byaombe will discuss his own encounter with the "crooked" Congolese government and displaced victims of proxy wars happening throughout the world. With an emphasis on Syrian refugees, Mr. Wa Byaombe encourages questions and participation from students.
43 Missing uedbet体育官网 Students: Will Justice Ever Be Served?
Karina Huerta ’17, Office of Multicultural Student Life; Michael Rogers ’12, Office of Multicultural Student Life; Dr. Araceli Masterson, Spanish
Olin 305
16 months ago, 43 college students from Escuela Normal Rural (the school that the students attended) disappeared when they were on their way to Mexico City to commemorate the student massacre of 1968 in Tlatelolco, Mexico City. In this session you will learn about the updates of the case for Ayotzinapa. We will also explore the demands of the parents: Vivos se los llevaron, vivos los queremos! (Alive they took them, alive we want them.) Furthermore, we will learn how the U.S. proceeds with cases of missing people. You will have the opportunity to express your thoughts in an open discussion.
Making Difficult Discussions Easier :How to Facilitate Social Justice Conversations
Brittney Henson, Hilary Charles and Michelle Mason from the Office of Residential Life
Wallenberg Hall
uedbet体育官网 campuses across the nation are struggling with effectively discussing controversial global issues. The presenters will facilitate a guided discussion about current social justice issues in the news while utilizing and discussing various techniques. These facilitation strategies will help participants engage in meaningful conversations at home, in the classroom, and with peers.
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Session II (or lunch on your own)
Featured speaker: Ryan Popple, CEO of Proterra, Inc.
Democratizing Transportation to Foster Social Mobility and Civic Equality
Center for Student Life, G?vle Room
Ryan Popple, CEO of leading battery-electric bus manufacturer Proterra, Inc., will speak on how electrified transport will help regenerate mass transit’s mass appeal and how decommissioning diesel buses can bring about cleaner cityscapes, better air quality, and more balanced civic impact. Democratizing electric mobility through the medium of mass transportation is one of the fastest routes to comprehensive civic reform, and Proterra is making this a reality.
Tikkun Olam – A Jewish Take on Social Justice
Emma Levich ’16, English and sociology
Hanson 102
This session covers the topic of the Jewish value known as "Tikkun Olam" meaning to "Repair the world" and is a phrase that has become synonymous with the notion of social action and the pursuit of social justice. Tikkun Olam can be applied and practiced in a variety of ways, and this particular session uncovers the Tikkun Olam efforts of one non-profit organization called Save A Child's Heart, located in Israel, and a student's summer internship experience volunteering for them. SACH in a non-profit organization that brings children to Israel from all over the world to receive life-saving heart surgery, and aims to bridge the gaps of people from different cultures, embodying the true essence of Tikkun Olam every day.
A Tale of 3 Men: the Effeminate Asian, the Hypermasculine Black, and the Average White
Danny Kim, Office of International Student Life; Michael Rogers '12, Office of Multicultural Student Life
Hanson 304
In this session, we will deconstruct the social systems that affect Asian, Black, and White men. Asian and Black men face specific challenges, often placed on opposite spectrums of masculinity (effeminate vs. hyper-masculine). Presenters will cover how both racial groups have to overcompensate in their distinct ways due to social pressures, while portraying how White men are placed as the standard of masculinity. We will also analyze how these distorted expressions of masculinity affect how society views people across the gender spectrum.
Social Justice in Visual Art
Ashley Newell ’16, psychology, sociology and art history; Erin Runde ’17, art history and geography; Sarah Ludwig ’19, biology/pre-med and Spanish; Elise Morgan ’18, biology and art history; Bridget Quinn ’19, undecided major; and Sydney Gilbert ’19, art history and English
Larson Hall
The Art History Club is presenting on the ways in which the role of women has changed throughout the progression of art. We will discuss the ways in which women are depicted in art, and what the art they created means from a woman's perspective. In addition, we will discuss specific time periods, movements, and aspects of artists lives such as, Mary Cassatt.
Greco-Roman Perspectives on Social Justice
Dr. Emil Kramer, Classics; Dr. Roman Bonzon, philosophy; Dr. Mischa Hooker, Classics; and Dr. Eric Stewart, religion
Old Main 132
"There is no end to suffering...for our cities, and none, I suspect, for the human race, unless either philosophers become kings in our cities, or the people who are now called kings and rulers become real, true philosophers" Plato's words (Rep. 473d) from 2500 years ago bespeak the deepest concern for issues of social justice, and there is much to learn from the Greeks and Romans regarding such issues. In this session four faculty members will offer a fast paced introduction to some of those issues. Dr. Emil Kramer (Classics) will speak to the struggle for democracy in Athens in the 6th c. BC, Dr. Roman Bonzon (Philosophy) will address the call for civic harmony in Plato's Republic, Dr. Mischa Hooker (Classics) will present critiques of slavery from the Stoic and Cynic schools of philosophy, and Dr. Eric Stewart (Religion) will address the same issue from the perspective of early Christianity. We hope to have 20 minutes for open discussion following these four brief presentations.
Injustice in American Sex Education
Jaime McLean ’18, women's and gender studies
Olin 305
Sex education provided to American teens often fails to serve the needs of young adults. Much of the information provided by institutions about sex, sexuality, gender and the body perpetuate extremely harmful ideas that can affect people throughout their lives. This session will provide an overview of the problems with contemporary sex education that promote myths, rape culture, slut shaming, destructive notions regarding the masculine and feminine roles in sex as well as new models to improve sex education for American youth.
Refugees and Social Justice: Global and Local Perspectives
Dr. Chris Strunk, geography; Dr. Carrie Hough, anthropology; Amy Rowell, World Relief; Ikponwonsa Oriaikhi, Quad City Alliance for Immigrants and Refugees
Olin Auditorium
The United Nations estimates that more than 60 million people have been displaced from their homes, the highest since WWII. This session will provide an overview of the global migration crisis and explore the process of refugee resettlement and integration locally. Refugee advocates and community members will provide perspectives on the experiences of refugees in the Quad Cities.
Intentional Communities: Seeking Justice in Purposeful Living
Kaitlyn Lindgren ’16, religion and English; Leah Shelton ’16, religion and CSD; Claire Hammer ’16, CSD; Mae Ruzek ’16, biology and Africana studies
Wallenberg Hall
Members of Micah House, uedbet体育官网's own intentional community, will discuss the impact of intentional living on social justice. We will discuss how communities like L'Arche, The Simple Way, and the Catholic Worker Movement have contributed to justice. The presenters will also answer questions about their decision to live in an intentional community and how that has impacted their last year at uedbet体育官网.
12:30-1:30 p.m. Session III (or lunch on your own)
Featured speaker: Dr. Vernon Burton, director of the Clemson CyberInstitute; history professor at Clemson University; professor emeritus of history and sociology, University of Illinois; author
The Voting Rights Act in Historical Context
2015-16 Ellwood F. Curtis Family Lectureship in Public Affairs
Center for Student Life, G?vle Room
Last year’s 50th anniversary of the 1965 Voting Rights Act has been a bittersweet milestone. Passage of the act is rightly regarded as a landmark legislative achievement that largely eliminated discriminatory restrictions on the right to vote by African Americans and other minority groups. However, a recent survey finds that since 2010, twenty-one states have passed new voting restrictions, reducing the number of eligible voters overall and specially burdening poor and minority voters. Burton will address historical context of voting rights, as well as the need for an examination of intent; historians are trained by their methodology to assess the motivations of legislators.
Social and Environmental Justice in Central America
Dr. Chris Strunk, geography; Colin Bance ’17, Laura Becker ’16, Allie Cervone ’17, Destiny Chavez ’18, Lauren Davis ’17, Omar Delgado ’18, Marina Deligiannis ’17, Bradly Dodge ’16, Mykea Johnson ’18, Emma Levich ’16, Brian Lovejoy ’16, Alyssa Mandarino ’16, Irene Mekus ’17, Elsie Ocampo ’18, Allison Patch ’18, Robert Rosene ’17, Lauren Rosenthal ’18
Evald 18
Geography of Latin America students will present their research on social and environmental justice issues in Central America as part of a collaborative project with the Guatemala study away program. Issues include conservation policies, the environmental impact of tourism, indigenous movements, unaccompanied child migration, protests against corruption, and more.
Contradictions, Power, and Ethics in International Travel, Tourism, and Service Learning
Danny Kim, Office of International Student Life; Dr. Adam Kaul, anthropology
Hanson 102
International travel can be a powerful tool for expanding one’s view of the world. However, when tourism and travel go unchecked and unexamined, it has the potential to harm the people and the places we visit. Ethical dilemmas, unequal power dynamics, environmental impacts, and cultural contradictions abound. In this session, Danny Kim (Assistant Director of International Student Life) will talk about his experiences hosting service-learning tours (sometimes called “voluntourism”) in Asunción, Paraguay in order to critically question who is really doing the “helping” in the relationship between host and guest. Together with Adam Kaul (Anthropology), who studies the practice of international tourism ethnographically, they will lead a discussion on the contradictions of travel, and how to become a more responsible tourist. This session will be part of the Salon.
Cards Against Humanity: An Unlikely Model to Disrupt Stereotypes
Michael Poletto ’18, multimedia journalism and mass communication; Dr. Margaret France, Academic Affairs/CORE; Samantha Crisp, Special Collections librarian; Eean McNaughton ’17, history, economics
Hanson 304
We want to create a safe and fun environment to learn about race, gender, sexuality, and stereotypes. We will achieve this by playing the game Cards Against Humanity. Then we will be having a discussion on the different cards that are played and how some of them can be used to harm people. This will achieve an educational and fun way of learning about stereotypes of different minority groups. Note: The cards used in the game and the discussion will include some graphic description. Please be advised.
Bone Marrow Donation Discussion Panel and Registry Drive
Claire Kepner ’16, Epsilon Sigma Alpha; Kaitlin Kretz, Be the Match Bone Marrow Registration Drive
Hanson 305
A panel of experts, donation receivers, donators will discuss the many different aspects of bone marrow donation and how the registry can help save lives.
It’s a Doggie-Dog World Full of Birds
Rebecca Wee, creative writing/English; and ENCW201 students: Emilie Antolik ’17, Justin Bishop ’17, Sabrina Hill ’18, Amanda Ico ’17, Kiefer Kious ’17, Katie McClellan ’19, Brandon Motzel ’16, Marissa Pezzopane ’16, Austin Schoeck ’16, Alex Sierra ’19, Sage Shemroske ’19
Larson Hall
Join ENCW201 Writing Poetry students for an open poetry reading. Come listen to, read, and be lit by, poems that remind us what matters: that we work toward justice for all. Audience members are invited to participate following the class poems.
Social Justice for Our Sexual Lives
Dr. Jessica Nodulman, communication studies/ women's and gender studies; students in Dr. Nodulman’s WGST 303: Gender and Sexuality
Old Main 132
Access to education and information about sex, sexuality, and sexual health are social justice issues. Please join the students of WGST 303: Gender and Sexuality for a discussion about sexual health and wellness at uedbet体育官网. We want to hear your opinions on the state of sexual health and wellness on the campus. What does the campus community do well? What initiatives, programs, or resources would be valuable to have on campus? We look forward to an interactive dialogue that might help us improve sexual health on campus.
On Capitalism: Past, Present, Future
Logan Green ’17, philosophy, neuroscience; Chase Burghgrave, Western Illinois University; Sara English ’16, philosophy, neuroscience
Olin 305
Capitalism is everywhere. It is entrenched in every aspect of our lives; yet, few people take the time to analyze the system as a whole. In this presentation, the history of capitalism and the nature of its current form will be analyzed. Following the speakers’ presentations, a dialogue between the presenters and the audience will be opened up, in order to address the issues of the future of capitalism and the effects it will have on many aspects of human civilization, including social justice.
Rethinking Islamophobia and the Refugee Crisis: A Virtual Perspective
Eric Maddox, Virtual Dinner Guest Project (; Dr. Cyrus Zargar, religion
Olin Auditorium
Eric Maddox currently volunteers at a Syrian refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos near Turkey, and he has something to say about the current state of panic in the United States. By facilitating conversations using Skype, Maddox believes that many misunderstandings and grievances can be resolved. By sitting down for a "virtual dinner," groups who know little about one another can share in a common experience that unites them. They often take another step and share in a collaborative filmmaking project. Eric has carried out his "Virtual Dinner Guest Project" in Egypt, Palestine, Europe, Mexico, and elsewhere, including uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网. Eric Maddox will be leading this discussion from overseas via Skype.
Hello from the Other Side: Experiences of Microaggressions in Higher Education
Office of Multicultural Student Life; Lizandra Gomez-Ramirez ’17, anthropology, political science; Cindy Morales ’17, political science, Spanish
Wallenberg Hall
There will be a panel from the Office of Multicultural Student Life leading this discussion on college campuses and the issue of coddling. We will provide current examples from college protests around the country. We will talk about political correctness and microaggressions and whether they interfere with the freedom of speech. Are microaggressions and political correctness something that should be addressed in order to combat racism in our country or are people just being too sensitive?
1:45-2:45 p.m. Session IV
Featured speaker: Allie Barringer '12, , Ph.D. student in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
But I uedbet体育官网 to Help People! Exploring the Relationship between Careers in Research and Practice
Center for Student Life, G?vle Room
Allie Barringer is frequently asked, “How did you decide between becoming a researcher or a direct service provider?” But she didn't. More often than not, research and practice-oriented careers are categorized as opposite paths, but they don’t necessarily have to be. Her talk will challenge audience members to redefine that relationship between research and practice, and the role both play in the promotion of social justice. Broadly, discussion will focus on the impact community has on research topics (and researchers themselves), as well as the utility research can have on creating positive community change. Illustrations will be provided from Barringer's work as an academic researcher working with youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
Say What?! Exploring Polarizing Social Media Comments
Dr. Shara Stough, psychology and neuroscience; Dr. Lisa Szafran and Dr. Austin Williamson, psychology
Hanson 102
In this interactive session participants will read and discuss a selection of online comments made by others about a recent criminal case covered in the media. We will challenge participants to consider the myriad factors that may have influenced the behavior of both the suspect in the case and the online commenters. We will end with a discussion of why it is important to take multiple perspectives to try to best understand the behavior of others.
Hidden Disability: It’s Not ‘Just’ a Food Allergy
Kathryn O’Brien ’16, biology
Hanson 305
Many people are unaware that food allergies and/or anaphylaxis are considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. As with any disability, being diagnosed with a true food allergy entails a change in lifestyle, altered social interactions, and often involves psychological implications. This session explores these adverse outcomes and aims to emphasize the need for increased public awareness about the prevalence and stigma associated with food allergies.
Bigger, Badder, Safer: Social Justice in Action with uedbet体育官网’s SafeZone SafePeeps
Dr. Margaret France, Academic Affairs/CORE; Jake Phillips ’18; Michael Poletto ’18; Sage Shemroske ’19; Annastacia Schabilion ’18
Larson Hall
Do you want to treat people of all genders and sexualities with respect? This session will introduce you to uedbet体育官网's SafeZone program, which provides resources and training to help every member of our community do just that.
Why Would an Innocent Person Confess to a Crime?
Dr. Sharon Varallo, communication studies
Old Main 132
How is it possible that an innocent person could confess to a violent crime? This session introduces the who, what, where, when, and why of false and coerced confessions during police interrogations. With context both regional and local, and illustrated with personal testimony, this session sheds light on the ease with which an innocent person might be convicted and jailed in this country, and the shattering outcomes for families and communities.
Shackled by National Debt
Jonathan Rasler, field director, Americans for Prosperity Foundation; Joe Carroll ’16, history, education
Olin 305
This program focuses on the generations of profligate government spending that have made the millennial generation the most debt-laden in the world's history. Is economic freedom the answer? This interactive program will educate the audience on how government debt and spending impact their lives.
CANCELED: A Humanitarian Nightmare: Combining Voices on the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Leah Shelton ’16, religion, CSD; Adiba Hasan ’18, religion, political science; Lubna Omar ’16, CSD; Dr. Majdi Omar, pediatrician
Olin Auditorium
An informal discussion on the current refugee crisis and the factors that led up to the calamities faced today. We have invited Lubna Omar and her father, Dr. Majdi Omar, to share stories from their hands-on experience in aiding refugees in the Jordan camps.
Social Justice in the Quad Cities: the Daily Engagement of NAACP
Kamille Brashear ’17, international business, political science; Samantha DeForest-Davis ’17, political science, Africana studies; Dr. Chadia Chambers-Samadi and Dr. Araceli Masterson, world languages, literature and culture; Berlinda Tyler-Jamison, president, Quad Cities NAACP
Wallenberg Hall
Social justice is a daily commitment:You would be surprised at how many different groups the NAACP is advocating for. During this session we will have a conversation on the issues that the organization is tackling: survey on traffic stop, underprivileged youth support, delinquency, reinsertion after jail.The organization can definitely use your support. Since uedbet体育官网 is trying to establish a chapter, students will present the different ways in which Augie Students can make a difference within the student community.
3-4 p.m. Session V
Connecting Students and Administrators: A Roundtable Discussion
David Sommers ’16, SGA; Dr. Evelyn Campbell, dean and vice president of student life; Dr. Kristin Douglas, associate dean of student success; Laura Schnack, associate dean of student life; Chris Beyer, director of residential life; Tom Phillis, chief of public safety/police
Larson Hall
Sponsored by Student Government, SGA President David Sommers, Deans Campbell, Douglas, and Schnack, Residential Life Director Beyer and Chief Phillis will hold a roundtable discussion on efforts to address sexual assault on campus, cultural changes at uedbet体育官网, and the roles students can take as leaders and members of campus. The presenters will each converse on these topics with each other and then open the floor for questions from the audience. This is meant to be a dialog between students and administration to find ways in which we can work together to improve the uedbet体育官网 community.
Enacting Social Justice Through Local Nonprofits
Dr. Ellen Hay, communication studies; Nonprofit Leadership Student Association members; Cathy O’Keeffe, Braking Traffik
Hanson 102
Today social justice lies at the heart of many local nonprofits. Join us for a discussion on what they have done in our community and how you can get involved. Each organization will in addition discuss how their missions tie into the theme of social justice in the Quad Cities.
Interfaith Dialogue: Muslim Faith Stories
Hannah Griggs ’18 and Daniel Skelton ’18, Interfaith Understanding Club; Mahvish Fatima ’17; Adiba Hasan ’18; Evan Henkel ’17
Olin Auditorium
An American-born Muslim, an American Muslim convert and a Muslim international student discuss their experiences as Muslims in America and abroad. Presenters tell their stories and answer questions, addressing topics such as social justice, interfaith, Islamophobia, and what it’s like to be a Muslim. At the end of the session, presenters and audience members will engage in an open, interfaith dialogue. Through dialogue with our Muslim classmates, we can combat Islamophobia caused by fear and ignorance.
Black Lives Matter: Why Certain American Lives Need More Focus
Kimberly Roark ’16, Vanessa Dominguez ’19 and Lisa Claros ’16 of Multicultural Programming Board Campus Outreach; Sam DeForest-Davis ’17, NAACP
Wallenberg Hall
Multicultural Programming Board and student representatives from the NAACP will explain the Black Lives Matter movement. The events that sparked the movement at a national level will be discussed, as well as why it is both relevant and necessary on uedbet体育官网's campus. After there will be an honest conversation for students to express their thoughts and feelings about the topic, as well as ask their own questions.
WAUG live broadcast schedule
WAUG will broadcast Symposium Day’s featured presenters and conduct live interviews of featured speakers and other guests between sessions — 9:45 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m.