Learning Perspective course descriptions, fall 2024
All uedbet体育官网 students must complete at least one course in each of the six Learning Perspectives (LP) before graduation. First-year students often take one or two LP courses in their first semester. The courses in this document are appropriate for first-year students and have no prerequisites unless noted.
Perspectives on the Arts (PA)
ARHI-161 Global Art in Perspective (4 Credits) (PA) (G) Works of art from around the world examined thematically and chronologically as visual evidence of cultural heritage.
ART-101 Drawing (4 Credits) (PA) Fundamentals of drawing such as value, line, form, space and composition, exploring abstraction as well as traditional subject matters through observational studies. Theory and practice through a variety of drawing media including use of color. $60.00 lab fees.
ART-102 Drawing Inquiry (4 Credits) (PA) Fundamentals of drawing, including introductory life drawing, for art majors and minors. Form, space, color and composition explored in a variety of drawing media through contemporary and historical lenses. For students with drawing experience; highly recommended for art majors and minors in place of ART 101. $60.00 lab fee
ART-123 Design: Two Dimensional (4 Credits) (PA) Theories of basic design, with emphasis on both formalism and expression in art. Design fundamentals of color, texture, shape, line, value and principles of balance, repetition, variety, harmony and unity explored. A variety of media will be investigated. $60.00 lab fee
ART-211 Painting (4 Credits) (PA) Basics of color theory and practice of painting in oil and/or acrylics. Emphasis on developing fundamental painting approaches, conceptual development and individual expressions through color. Art periods, movements and practice researched. $100.00 lab fee
ART-228 Digital Photography (4 Credits) (PA) An introduction to digital photography: This studio-based class provides an opportunity for students to explore image-making within a culture context. $40.00 lab fee and access to Adobe Photoshop required. $40.00 lab fee
ART-231 Ceramics: Hand Construction (4 Credits) (PA) This course explores methods of hand building in clay with an emphasis on creative thinking and technical facility. Assignments emphasize developing surface design, use of glazes, and a research project. Lectures include viewing and analysis of a broad spectrum of historical and contemporary ceramic work. $50.00 lab fee
ART-232 Ceramics: Wheel Thrown Constr. (4 Credits) (PA) This course focuses on learning to use the potter's wheel and various other techniques as a vehicle for creating expressive forms in clay. Emphasis on creative thinking while developing facility in forming, painting and glazing ceramics. Students will engage in a research project and master study culminating in a visual response. A broad spectrum of historical and contemporary ceramics will be studied. $60.00 lab fee
ART-261 Relief Printmaking (4 Credits) (PA) Introduction to basic monotype and relief printmaking methods including linoleum and woodcut techniques. Methods of registering multi-colored prints will be employed. Students will work collectively on a print portfolio with a common theme of their choosing. $80.00 lab fee
CLAS-230 Sites & Monuments Greece (4 Credits) (PA) (G) This course introduces students to the art and archaeology of Greece from the Bronze Age through the Hellenistic period. From the palaces of Minoan Crete to the Athenian Acropolis and beyond, students will have the opportunity to explore the ancient Greek world through its material remains, including art, architecture, and everyday objects. Questions of archaeological practice and cultural heritage will also be taken into account, along with consideration of the persistent influence of Greek art and architecture on our world today. May not take CLAS-230 if CLAS-310, CLAS-311 or CLAS-330 has already been taken.
ENCW-201 Writing Poetry (4 Credits) (PA) Practice in writing poetry with an introduction to poetic form, voice and techniques. Emphasis will be on generating, critiquing and revising student work, but students will also study the work of published poets.
ENCW-202 Writing Fiction (4 Credits) (PA) Practice in writing with an introduction to the various forms the genre assumes (memoir, profile, literary journalism, nature writing, spiritual autobiography) and emphasis on techniques writers use to translate personal and researched experience into artful nonfiction. The class stresses drafting, workshopping, and revising.
ENCW-203 Writing Creative Nonfiction (4 Credits) (PA) Practice in writing with an introduction to the various forms the genre assumes (memoir, profile, literary journalism, nature writing, spiritual autobiography) and emphasis on techniques writers use to translate personal and researched experience into artful nonfiction. The class stresses drafting, workshopping, and revising.
ENCW-204 Screenwriting (4 Credits) (PA) Practice in writing screenplays with an introduction to narrative structure. Emphasis will be on generating, critiquing and revising student work, but students will also study contemporary scripts and films.
FILM-100 Intro to Film Studies (4 Credits) (PA) A foundational knowledge of film theory and criticism increases understanding and appreciation of the elements, structure, form, aesthetics, symbolism, representational codes, and goals of movies originating from many different periods and regions worldwide. Considering various technical and creative components, genres, cultural and socio-political movements, students learn to decipher established codes and formulate new meanings in cinematic expression through the practice of reading film as text and engaging in active critical analysis.
GRD-222 Typography (4 Credits) (PA) This studio-based course focuses on typographic design while encouraging experimentation with form-making and concept development. Methodically advancing technical skills while developing a process of working that is unique to the individual encouraged. $40.00 lab fee
GRD-225 Intro to Graphic Design (4 Credits) (PA)This studio-based course asks students to both leverage basic design elements and principles to generate visual works and apply design processes to complex problems. While emphasis is placed on concept development, methodically advancing technical skills while developing a process of working that is unique to the individual is encouraged. $40.00 lab fee
HIST 232 Picturing the Other (4 Credits) (PA,D) Picturing the "Other": American Indians and Visual Culture examines the way that visual depictions of "the Indian"- in paintings, photographs, and film--have functioned as a way of negotiating identity for both Euro-Americans and Indigenous Americans between colonization and the present. Beginning with early American images of indigenous people as "noble savages" and ending with postmodern reinterpretations of indigeneity by contemporary Native American artists, we'll come to understand how imagery reinforces powerful narratives about race and empire even as it provides the terms through which Native Americans have always negotiated their own self- representation.
MJMC-235 Podcasting and Audio Storytelling (4 Credits) (PA) Podcasting and Audio Storytelling is an immersive, hands-on course that will introduce you to the art and craft of modern audio storytelling. We'll explore the history and concepts behind audio storytelling while introducing genres such as narrative nonfiction, creative storytelling, documentaries, analytical journalism, and professional communication. Then, using free, open-source software, you'll produce engaging podcasts from conception to launch both individually and collaboratively. This is an ideal class for students interested in learning how to make content for the annual 1.3 billion people who use podcasts for entertainment, information, and education.
MJMC-250 Visualizing Society (4 Credits) (PA) Introduces a toolkit of conceptual and practical skills in multimedia journalism. Students learn about reporting in contexts that cut across the traditional barriers of online, broadcast, and print news. Students begin to consider journalism's moral and ethical underpinnings and how those considerations interact with everyday professional considerations made by journalists.
MUSC-101 Introduction to Music (4 Credits) (PA) Exploration of the fundamental elements, various forms, and styles of music. Through listening, discussion, and live concert experiences, students will learn about music in various cultural and historical contexts. This course is not a part of the music major and no experience in music is required.
MUSC-107 Music in Worldwide Perspective (4 Credits) (PA,G) Introduction to ethnomusicology and survey of indigenous music of the various regions of the world. Does not apply to major in music.
MUSC-111 Musicianship (4 Credits) (PA) An introduction to the study of music and related skills: score-reading, sight singing, text analysis, conducting, composition, research, and writing. Primary focus is given to the development of notated music in Europe and America from the middle ages to the present day, with additional study of popular and non-western music.
THEA-100 Intro to Theatre (4 Credits) (PA) Introduction to Theatre. Theatre as a collaborative, vital and multi-faceted art form that reflects and impacts culture and society. Through study of theatre practice and various dramatic texts from Ancient Greece to contemporary times, this course will examine how the written word is translated into action and images on stage.
THEA-240 Acting I (4 Credits) (PA) Introduction to the acting process through study of its basic principles and development of fundamental performance skills. Studio work includes improvisational exercises, scene study and various performance projects. Emphasis on the use of creative imagination in the context of performance.
Perspectives on Human Existence and Values (PH)
CHST-240 Intro Chinese Culture (4 Credits) (PH) (G) An overview of Chinese culture, with emphasis on various aspects within Chinese society, including religions, literature, art, language and philosophy. Readings are supplemented by audiovisual material, discussion and projects. Taught in English. May not take CHST-240 if CHST-340 has already been taken.
COMM-260 Communication and Culture (4 Credits) (PH) (G) Examines how communication helps create culture and how culture constrains communication, reasoning, and morality; introduces similarities and differences in understanding self and other in cultural contexts.
ENGL-230 Environmental Literature (4 Credits) (PH) An introduction to the history of and trends in nature writing and environmental literature.
MEDH-200 Applied Concepts in Healthcare (4 Credits) (PH) Applied Concepts in Healthcare serves as the gateway course for the Experiential Minor in Integrative Medicine & the Humanities. It is a course that will offer insights into themes, controversies, and future directions of society's most pressing issues in Healthcare. While other courses in the minor will focus on concerns related to Justice, Values, and Communication, our course will integrate concerns across disciplines and begin to develop a unique range of skills relevant to the challenges faced by those who directly or indirectly engage in clinical medicine, biomedical research, or any of many "support" disciplines. More specifically, while we will certainly keep an eye on issues of justice, value, and communication, in this course, we will focus on four areas vital to an integrative understanding of health care and a fifth area that will bring the more theoretical aspects of course to life
MJMC-215 News Literacy (4 Credits) (PH) Examines forces that shape news today and how the news media have changed. Prepares students to understand journalism and critically evaluate news sources as well as analyze their own roles as news consumers and communicators using current events as a backdrop.
Assignments and discussion focus on topics such as: news values, detecting bias, source credibility, journalistic constraints, and media economics.
PHIL-101 Knowing & Being (4 Credits) (PH) Introduction to central topics in philosophy, such as ethical theory, metaethics, knowledge and skepticism, theology, free will, personal identity, and the nature of meaning. Attention is paid to the careful formation and critical evaluation of arguments.
PHIL-105 Life and Death (4 Credits) (PH) An introduction to ethics, approached through an examination of the ethics of living, letting die, and killing. The course will introduce students to major theories of morality, such as utilitarianism and Kantian ethics, and apply these theories to issues that may include euthanasia, abortion, capital punishment, and just war.
RELG-284 Buddhism and Film (4 Credits) (PH) (G) Engaging with written texts, films, and contemplative practice, this course focuses on how Buddhist religious traditions address ethical and existential issues including questions about suffering, gender, sexuality, karma, life, and death. Students will learn about different schools of Buddhism such as Theravada, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, the controversy about the ordination of nuns, and issues pertaining to the representation of Buddhism through film. In this course, students will be expected to engage in mindfulness meditation practices. May not take RELG-284 if RELG-384 has already been taken.
Perspectives on the Individual and Society (PS)
COMM-220 Communication & Social Relationships (4 Credits) (PS, D) Examines how family, peer and cultural socialization influences communication in close relationships. Consideration of race, class, gender and sexual orientation as they relate to communication in diverse relationships.
COMM-240 Advert & Consumer (4 Credits) (PS) COMM240 traces the evolution of the persuasive strategies, effects and messages in commercial discourse, from its origins in colonial America to today, with special emphasis on portrayals of race, class, family and gender in contemporary America. Course assignments will incorporate instruction on media content analysis and textual analysis as research methods.
ENVR-101 Social Dimension (4 Credits) (PS) This course provides an in-depth examination of the structure and dynamics of complex sustainability problems. We pay particular attention to the role of humans in creating and responding to these problems by investigating the relationships between our natural world and social, cultural, and political institutions. Particular topics may include: population and consumption dynamics; environmental justice; social and behavioral change; environmental policy; and food, energy, and water systems. Students will complete a campus-based sustainability project focused on social and/or behavioral change. Seniors by permission only.
GEOG-120 Human Geog Global (4 Credits) (PS, G) Human geography focuses on social, economic, political, cultural, and human-environment processes and patterns and how they change over space and time. This course examines the interconnections between places around the world and how global flows intersect in our local communities. Major topics include economic globalization, geopolitics, the spatial aspects of population growth and distribution including international migration, health, urbanization, cultural differentiation and the spread of ideas and innovation, and the environmental impacts of development. The course aims to engender a critical geographical perspective on the past, present and future development of the social world.
KINS-250 Sociology of Sport and Phys Culture (4 Credits) (PS) To some, sport and physical culture seem to exist outside of society - somehow removed from the political, social, and cultural issues that shape our daily lives. This course seeks to challenge that separation: instead arguing that sport and physical culture are deeply intertwined with the values of our current socio-political moment. This course will ask you to think critically about a topic you may have taken for granted. From the local sporting experiences of high school athletes to the giant spectacles of the OIympics, we will investigate and interrogate the often overlooked exceptionalism of sport and physical culture. In the first module we will lay out the contemporary landscape of sport and physical culture and examine the ideologies, philosophies, and assumptions that we bring to these spaces. In the second module, we will explore the social construction of individual identities and groups, and how those groups both create, and are created by, their involvements in sport and physical activity. Finally, we will explore sport and physical activity's power to bring diverse groups together, and examine the ways in which that can be used for equitable and inequitable practices. As we delve into the complexities of sport and physical culture, you will take on the role of a potential agent of change. How can you, within your current and future spheres of power, help make sport and physical culture better for everyone?
MJMC-225 Strategic Comm (4 Credits) (PS) Strategic communication (journalism and mass communication-related conepts used in marketing, public relations, social media, crises communication, and advertising for the purpose of influencing behavior) is everywhere, yet if done right the consuming masses hardly notice the machinations. This course helps students identify strategic communication that occurs in their world, discover how it affects them and others, furthers their understanding through collaborative, creative role play, and asks them to consider the ethical implications of this booming profession.
PHIL-103 Social Ethics (4 Credits) (PS) An introduction to the philosophical examination of issues in three areas of social
ethics-global problems, family matters, and societal policies. The following general questions will be considered in light of three moral theories (utilitarianism, rights, and the ethics of care): What do we owe the poor and starving in other countries? What do we owe our family members? How should we treat criminals in our society?
POLS-101 American Govt Natl (4 Credits) (PS) A study of constitutional principles and their implementation to create a functioning national government. Development of basic institutions--presidency, Congress, courts, bureaucracy. Analysis of Political Behavior -- political parties, campaigns, and interest groups. Examples from public policy are used to show the institutions and groups in action.
POLS-105 Comparative Politics (4 Credits) (PS,G) Comparative politics is devoted to the study of countries not called the United States. It involves the comparative examination of important concepts in political science (culture, forms of government, regime types, conflict, human rights, poverty, identity, among others) and their application to both Western and non-Western nations.
PSYC-100 Intro to Psychology (4 Credits) (PS) A survey course of the major areas of interest within the field of Psychology (physiological, cognitive, clinical, and social), including fundamental principles and theories about human behavior as well as the scientific methods used by psychologists to draw these conclusions.
PUBH-100 Introduction to Public Health (4 Credits) (PS) This course introduces the interdisciplinary field and application of public health. Students will explore the social, political, and environmental determinants of health, and will be introduced to the institutions that shape health outcomes at the local, national, and global levels. This course will also help students understand how public health impacts the health of populations on a daily basis. Course activities will examine a diverse range of topics such as community health organizations, ethics in public health practice, maternal and child health, control of chronic and infectious disease, health through the lifespan, mental health, nutrition, and more. This course has no prerequisites. First year or sophomore status required.
SOAN-102 Intro to Sociology (4 Credits) (PS, D) A general introduction to society and culture, socially learned patterns of human behavior, formal and informal organization, collective behavior and social change.
SOAN-102 Intro to Anthropology (4 Credits) (PS, G) A general introduction to society and culture, diverse cultural systems and groups of people from around the globe, and a holistic examination of the many parts of culture. Students will learn the tools, methods and key concepts anthropologists use to study humanity.
WGSS-130 Intro to Gender Studies (4 Credits) (PS) This course serves as an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Familiarizes students with key terms, authors, and debates, while paying special attention to how gender and sexuality intersect with race, ethnicity, class, age, religion, ability, and immigration status to create systems of oppression. Students examine intersectional feminism as a framework for engaging in social justice work.
WGSS-230 Gender, Power (4 Credits) (PS,G) Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural study of girls' and women's experiences of family, education, religion, work, political culture, gender and sexuality. The social, economic and legal statuses of the female are examined globally along with systems that link women around the world, such as media. The parallels and intersections of sex, race, social class and sexual orientation as given statuses within hierarchical societies are addressed as creators of both privilege and discrimination. This class will introduce intersectional theory and transnational intersectional theory.
Perspectives on the Past (PP)
ARHI-165 Survey World Art I (4 credits) (PP, G) A chronological survey of the art and architecture from around the world, from Paleolithic cave paintings to medieval cathedrals and mosques. Students learn to analyze the formal elements of works of art and architecture, examine works within the original cultural and historical contexts, and compare art across cultures and from different time periods.
ENGL-260 History Brit Lit (4 credits) (PP) English literature and social history from Beowulf and the Middle Ages to Virginia Woolf and the modern world. This course will introduce students to the study of literature, emphasizing the aims, methods, and tools of the discipline. Students will become familiar with critical vocabulary, with selected authors and with genre and historical context in a way that will carry over to more advanced classes.
FILM-200 History Film and TV (4 credits) (PP) This course looks at the history of motion picture media from its invention to contemporary times, covering cinema and television from inception to today. Framed by the technological, narrative, aesthetic, thematic, economic, and cultural trends of the various formats, the course explores prominent directors, studios, and platforms originating from the U.S. and abroad.
HIST-115 Europe 1300-1800 (4 Credits) (PP, G) This course will address foundational moments in early modern Europe, including the Renaissance, the Reformation, voyages of global exploration, absolutism, the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and revolutions against absolute monarchies. Special emphasis will be placed on developing students' ability to write their own historical interpretations through a critical use of eyewitness accounts.
HIST-131 Rethinking American History, 1877-Pres (4 Credits) (PP) Rethinking American History, 1877-Present Almost everything most people know about American history is at worst, wrong, and at best, oversimplified. This course examines enduring problems, powerful stories, and common misconceptions about the American past. Students will learn a set of problem-solving skills that historians use to make sense of the past, so that they can reach their own conclusions and recognize sense from nonsense.
PHIL 110 History of Philosophy (4 credits) (PP) An introduction to the main ideas and figures in the tradition of Western Philosophy, from the Ancient Greeks to the present. Emphasis on theories and arguments in the areas of metaphysics, the theory of knowledge, and ethics.
PHIL 201 Classical Philosophy (4 credits) (PP) Study of the beginnings of philosophical thought in Classical Greece, with particular attention to the fragments of the pre-Socratics, the dialogues of Plato, and the treatises of Aristotle. Topics will include early physics and metaphysics, theories of knowledge, human nature, happiness and virtue ethics.
Perspectives on Literature and Texts (PL)
CLAS-212 Classical Mythology (4 Credits) (PL, G) The myths of the Greeks and Romans have had a lasting influence on our world, evident in art, literature, language, science, and beyond. This course offers a broad survey of the major Greek and Roman myths and the dominant approaches to understanding them. Utilizing ancient sources along with scholarly commentary, students will examine these myths in their broader cultural and historical contexts while considering the legacy ancient mythology has left in our world. May not take CLAS-212 if CLAS-212W, CLAS-312 or CLAS-312W has already been taken.
COMM-230 Comm, Poli, & Citiz (4 Credits) (PL) Addresses issues of communication effects and ethics as they impinge on citizens of a free society, with a focus on political discourse in the public sphere. Features rhetorical tactics, communication strategies and argument patterns in political campaigns, public policy, and the media.
ENGL-125S Lit. & Sports (4 Credits) (PL) A literature course for students interested in sports writing and the drama of sports competitions. Readings will include stories from the sports page, longer essays on the meaning of sports, and novels, poems, and other genres depicting athletes competing while seeking greater meaning in their lives. For First Year and Sophomore students only.
ENGL-275 Intro to African-American Lit (4 Credits) (PL,D) Principal works by African Americans representing literary forms and significant currents of thought from the era of slavery to the present.
JPST 220 Japanese Masterpieces (4 Credits) (PL,G) This course provides a broad overview of the representative literary works produced in Japan during the classical, medieval, early modern, and modern periods. While reading selected literature, we will discuss the historical and socio-cultural backgrounds in which the works were created. Our readings will cover various genres such as tales, diaries, poetry, drama, autobiographical writing, and fiction. The goal of this class is to cultivate familiarity and appreciation of the cultures, aesthetics, and social values of Japan that spawned the variety of literary works we will read in class. No prerequisite.
Perspectives on the Natural World (PN)
ASTR-135 Planets (4 Credits) (PN) A non-calculus course intended for all majors on planets and planetary systems. Topics include the history of planetary astronomy, formation and evolution of the solar system, solar system physics, properties of solar system objects and the discovery of extrasolar planets. Results of recent space discoveries and the methods and tools used by astronomers will be emphasized. Evening observing sessions in the Carl Gamble observatory will be required. Suggested prerequisite: A math-index score of 840 or higher is recommended (pre-calc ready).
ENVR-100 Ecological Dimension (4 Credits) (PN)In-depth interdisciplinary examination of complex sustainability problems (water, food systems, climate change, forests, etc.) including their systemic structure, dynamics, future development, and normative issues. In-depth examination of human dependence upon and alteration of supporting (biodiversity, disturbance regimes, soil resources, hydrological cycle, and nutrient cycles), regulating, provisioning, and cultural ecosystem services. Emphasis on formulating an interdisciplinary model to understand the resilience and vulnerability of complex social-ecological systems (SES) to disturbances and stresses and using such model to assess the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of local and regional sustainability problems. Introduction to key methods used to identify, analyze, and solve the ecological dimensions of such problems. Students will complete an ecologically-oriented campus-based sustainability project. The culminating project and case study will require students to place the ecological component of such systems within the context of the entire SES by emphasizing the two-way interactions (dependence of human well being on ecosystem services and influence of human pursuits of well-being on such services) between the ecological and social components. Includes one two-hour lab per week that focuses on a campus or local sustainability problem. Seniors by permission only.
GEOG-105 Weather & Climate (4 Credits) (PN) An introduction to elements of weather and climate systems and the hazards they may pose to society. How can we (or should we?) prepare and adapt to live in areas of natural atmospheric hazards? Topics include a study of the earth's atmosphere, ocean systems, precipitation processes, severe weather (tornadoes, hurricanes), drought, and climate change. Includes one two-hour lab per week.
GEOL-101 Phys & Environ Geol (4 Credits) (PN) Introduction to the science of the Earth and our environment through topics of Earth materials and cycles, natural resources, tectonic processes, hydrologic systems, volcanoes, earthquakes, paleoclimatology, and geologic time. Additional themes include anthropogenic impacts on our environment, environmental hazards and environmental justice. Includes a weekly 2-hour lab that integrates experiential exercises, computer applications, collections of the Fryxell Geology Museum, and local field trips. Gateway course to the geology major.
GEOL-205 Minerals & Environ (4 Credits) (PN) A nation's wealth and quality of life of its citizens are significantly determined by its control and extraction of mineral resources, but there is always a negative environmental consequence of resource extraction, transformation and use. In addition, our personal and environmental health is impacted not only by what we do with these mineral resources and their waste products but also where we happen to live, relative to certain potentially hazardous mineral deposits. In this course you will learn about minerals (the building blocks of our planet Earth) and then apply that chemical & crystallographic knowledge to more deeply understand a wide variety of environmental issues (e.g., groundwater contamination, soil development and swelling clays, asbestos, silicosis, acid mine drainage, radon, mercury and lead poisoning.). Prerequisites: none. PN was awarded on 02/20/2023.
PHYS-151 Principles of Physics I (4 Credits) (PN) This course is an algebra-based introduction to fundamental concepts in physics for non-majors and is not a prerequisite for any other physics courses. In addition, this course is designed to be taken by upper-level science students. Unless a lower-level or non-science student has a solid background in math and a particular interest in physics, it is not recommended as a general education course. Topics include mechanics, fluids, waves, and thermodynamics. Problem solving techniques, conceptual thinking, and basic quantitative experimental skills will be developed. Lectures and two-hour lab weekly.