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Five Faith Commitments

Introduction: The uedbet体育官网's Roots for Today's Students

An Introduction by Steven C. Bahls, President of the uedbet体育官网

The Five Faith Commitments of uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 were unanimously adopted by the uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Board of Trustees in May of 2004. They represent uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网's commitment to honor its roots as the college of the uedbet体育官网 Lutheran Church, but in a way that meets today's students where they are. This means that the Five Faith Commitments are more than a sentimental retrospective on the college's relationship with the church. Instead, it is a document reflecting five fundamental values of the uedbet体育官网 Lutheran Church and broader Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, as applied in the 21st century, which will guide us into our future.

During the process of developing the Five Faith Commitments, uedbet体育官网 was confronted with the issue of what it means to be a church-related college. Roald Tweet, Professor Emeritus of English, has written and spoken about how uedbet体育官网 "lives with a hyphen." He writes:

"Church-related" is even more ambiguous than "Swedish-American." Does the phrase imply that uedbet体育官网 is trying to distance itself from close ties to the church, or does it imply that the uedbet体育官网 is trying to hold on to that relationship? Grammar texts are no help. One says the hyphen implies separation, another that it unites.1

Part of "living with a hyphen" is to understand that the relationship is respectful of our history and is at the same time dynamic.

Though uedbet体育官网, like other church-related schools, will continue to wrestle with the hyphen in the years ahead, the adoption of the Five Faith Commitments strengthens the tie between the church and the college in a way that will enable the college to achieve its mission: helping students grow in spirit as well as mind and body.

When I was appointed president of the college, Brenda Czajka '75 Barnes, then chair of the uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Board of Trustees, challenged the college community to be more deliberate in describing its relationship with the church. Responding to Barnes' challenge, I pledged in my inaugural comments that the college would "cherish" its relationship the church "as we engage in a dialog about the nature of our connectedness."2

Over the years, the college's relationship with the church had changed. Gone are the days when the majority of students and faculty are Lutheran. Likewise, several of the men and women who have chaired the Board of Trustees have been non-Lutheran. For these and other reasons, the college has modified its constitution to eliminate the requirement that the president be Lutheran. For decades, the college's campus ministries staff have been decidedly ecumenical. Though the college chaplain has always been a member of the ELCA, the associate chaplains at the time the Five Faiths Commitments statement was drafted were then members of the Roman Catholic Church and Disciples of Christ. And though the college once viewed the church as its endowment, the church's contribution to the college's budget has diminished from about 20 percent of the budget to less than a quarter of 1 percent.

Despite these changes over the years, the college's connection with the church has remained an important one. And a recent (2012-13) survey funded by the President's Office suggests that students recognize and endorse this connection. The survey, entitled Campus Religious and Spiritual Climate, investigated student attitudes on these subjects across a spectrum of higher educational institutions. Results showed that uedbet体育官网 students led their peers in valuing religion and spirituality as integral facets of college life and in welcoming interfaith activities and conversations. The college's strategic plan, unanimously adopted by the Board of Trustees in January of 2005, explicitly reaffirmed the college's relationship with the church, stating that the college is "enriched" by its relationship with the church "and the ecumenical traditions of ELCA higher education."3 We continue to believe this is so.

The initial work of developing a statement describing the connection with the church was assigned to the college's campus ministry committee. From the outset, the committee explored the relationship between the faith of our founders and the values of the college. The committee wrote:

uedbet体育官网's founders joined scholarship with religious zeal ... They dreamed of communicating a faith that would renew people's lives and energize the church. Many dedicated their lives to this dream. And, as scholars from the great Swedish universities of Uppsala and Lund, they brought high intellectual standards to that task. When they established a school for ministers and teachers, they insisted on academic as well as religious training. Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, President of uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 from 1935 to 1962, describes uedbet体育官网's founders this way: Embracing "deep religious faith," they "believed that there is an inseparable connection between faith and knowledge" and they built that belief into the institution that became uedbet体育官网.

After developing an initial draft of the Five Faith Commitments, the campus ministry committee sought comments from the college community. Some mistakenly feared that the Five Faith Commitments signaled that non-Lutherans were to have a lesser role in the mission of the college than Lutherans. To address these concerns, the committee modified the Five Faith Commitments to expressly recognize that the college "welcomes faculty and staff, regardless of creed, who will advance our mission, and the college celebrates the diverse contributions they make to our mission." As Tom Christenson, author of "The Gift and Task of Lutheran Higher Education," notes, non-Lutherans can (and often do) carry the Lutheran yeast into the dough. Christenson argues correctly that the task of maintaining Lutheran identity is "the responsibility of all-Lutherans and non-Lutherans."4

In developing the Five Faith Commitments, the campus ministry committee explored how the heritage of the uedbet体育官网 Lutheran Church and its relationship with its colleges might inform today's relationship.

This heritage is reflected in the Five Faith Commitments, which in the past 10 years have become an essential part of this college's identity.

President Steven C. Bahls, 2015

Theological Context for the Five Faith Commitments

The Lutheran reform movement of the 16th century originated in the intersection of the academy and the church. Out of this movement arose theological themes which shape our life as a college: (1) the goodness of creation and the continual, creative presence of God in the world, (2) recognition of God's unconditional love (grace), and (3) humanity's response to this grace, which entails the responsible use of human freedom.

The founders of uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 envisioned their school as an embodiment of these themes. As Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, our fifth president, declared, uedbet体育官网 was a "profession of faith." Its original purpose, as specified in the college constitution, was to train Lutheran ministers and teachers to serve the burgeoning Swedish immigrant communities in America.

This faith is embedded in its name, "uedbet体育官网," a Latinized version of the German word "Augsburg." The term refers to the Augsburg Confession (in Latin, Confessio uedbet体育官网), written in 1530 by Philip Melancthon as a definitive statement of Lutheran doctrine at a time when schism plagued the church. The Augsburg Confession invited reconciliation among divergent views rather than focusing on theological differences. When Swedish immigrants to the United States formed their own national Lutheran church body, they named it the uedbet体育官网 Synod after the Augsburg Confession. The document's conciliatory approach shaped the strong ecumenical spirit found in the uedbet体育官网 Synod (which gave its name to the college). "While it [uedbet体育官网] is a denominational institution, it is not sectarian in any narrow sense of the term," the college catalogue of the early 1900s read. That spirit of openness remains central to uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网's vision and mission today.

uedbet体育官网's founders joined scholarship with religious zeal. Some, disillusioned with the Lutheran state church in Sweden, which seemed more political than religious, came to America fired with missionary fervor. They dreamed of communicating a faith that would renew people's lives and energize the church. Many dedicated their lives to this dream. And, as scholars from the great Swedish universities of Uppsala and Lund, they brought high intellectual standards to that task. When they established a school for ministers and teachers, they insisted on academic as well as religious training. Bergendoff describes uedbet体育官网's founders this way: embracing "deep religious faith," they "believed that there is an inseparable connection between faith and knowledge" and they built that belief into the institution that became uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网.

In the spirit of this tradition, the college has formulated its mission statement: uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网, rooted in the liberal arts and sciences and a Lutheran expression of the Christian faith, is committed to offering a challenging education that develops qualities of mind, spirit and body necessary for a rewarding life of leadership and service in a diverse and changing world.

The Five Faith Commitments articulate how a Lutheran expression of the Christian faith is lived out at uedbet体育官网. While these commitments can be shared by those of different religious and non-religious traditions, in our case each commitment springs from Christian theological soil nourished by the Lutheran reform movement.

Martin Luther believed that God is revealed in unlikely places — including a barn in Bethlehem and on a cross outside Jerusalem. Having learned to be surprised by this, members of uedbet体育官网 enter into interfaith engagement with curiosity, anticipation, and wonder.

Luther understood Christian freedom to be comprised of both freedom from having to save oneself, as well as freedom for a life of service to neighbors in need. uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 is called to social justice out of a sense of liberation and gratitude.

Christians put worship of God at the center of their lives. Luther democratized worship, put the Bible in the hands of everyday Christians, and considered beautiful music to go hand in hand with prayer. uedbet体育官网 commits to spiritual exploration out of these sensibilities.

As both pastor and professor, Luther called faith a "living, busy, and active thing." Out of this spirit and the Christian quest for "faith seeking understanding," uedbet体育官网 commits to ongoing reasoned examination of faith.

Finally, the Lutheran reform movement understood God to call not only church leaders, but every person to work according to their giftedness and the world's needs. Out of this understanding, uedbet体育官网 educates for vocation and supports vocational discernment.

The Five Faith Commitments of uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网

The Five Faith Commitments comprise (1) interfaith engagement, (2) social justice, (3) spiritual exploration, (4) reasoned examination, and (5) vocational discernment:

1. INTERFAITH ENGAGEMENT: uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 celebrates God's regard for the worth and dignity of all persons.

? Recognizing that we learn from one another, even in moments of disagreement, uedbet体育官网 encourages collegial dialog among people with diverse religious and non-religious identities, cultures, and life experiences.
? uedbet体育官网 welcomes persons of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, races, colors, creeds, ethnic backgrounds, and levels of physical ability, to participate fully in college life.
? uedbet体育官网 Campus Ministries offers hospitality and programming that is ecumenical and interfaith.
? uedbet体育官网 works to maintain diversity within the professional and student staff of the college, including uedbet体育官网 Campus Ministries.
? uedbet体育官网 recognizes and supports the formation of groups by students from different Christian traditions and from different world religions by providing a welcoming academic community, spiritual advisors, and appropriate space for worship and reflection.

2. SOCIAL JUSTICE: uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 encourages the development of a campus community that seeks justice, loves kindness, and acts with love and humility.

? uedbet体育官网 commits to making our campus and the wider world a more livable place for all persons by loving and serving the neighbor and by acting against injustice and intolerance.
? We prioritize engagement in the Quad Cities community, which is for us a focus for our concern and learning.
? Through student groups, offices, and programs, such as Campus Ministries, Interfaith Understanding, Micah House, and the Freistat Center for World Peace, uedbet体育官网 shows students ways to serve others, and to advocate for justice and peace.
? uedbet体育官网 seeks to embody the ideals of justice, peace, civility and love in our institutional practices and relationships. To that end, uedbet体育官网 seeks to develop fair and charitable policies shaping how we relate to each other, the surrounding community, and the earth.
? uedbet体育官网 models and encourages its faculty, staff and students to be responsible stewards of resources.
? Through curricular and extracurricular activities, including its Center for the Study of Ethics, uedbet体育官网 seeks to inspire the community to discuss issues of ethical significance.

3. SPIRITUAL EXPLORATION: uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 provides a context in which every student might ask meaningful questions about life, morality and spiritual practice.

? uedbet体育官网 funds and staffs a strong Campus Ministries program, one that encourages members of our campus community to explore religious commitments and existential questions.
? Campus Ministries offers regular opportunities for Christian and interfaith worship, including weekly services and a weekday time when the whole campus community can join for reflection.
? uedbet体育官网 supports extra-curricular study groups which explore religious topics with intellectual rigor and honesty.
? Primarily through Campus Ministries, uedbet体育官网 provides spiritual care and nurture, including counseling and mentoring, to the entire college community.
? uedbet体育官网 seeks to model behaviors which are consistent with a faith-filled, ethical and examined life. Members of the college community encourage each other to conduct their work, community involvement and interactions with one another in ways that demonstrate the centrality of these values.
? uedbet体育官网 uses prayer and religious music at many of its central events, such as opening convocation, baccalaureate services and commencement.

4. REASONED EXAMINATION: uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 encourages our campus community to wrestle with ways in which faith and reason challenge and enrich each other.

? uedbet体育官网's faculty and staff help our students lead the "examined life" by exploring their values and beliefs, while at the same time challenging them to act ethically.
? uedbet体育官网 supports discussions of faith and belief both inside and outside the classroom.
? uedbet体育官网 maintains a strong Department of Religion, which offers courses in which religious beliefs and practices are evaluated in a critical, scholarly way. A course in Christian traditions is required of all students.
? In keeping with the Lutheran tradition of higher education, uedbet体育官网 stimulates free inquiry and cherishes academic freedom on our campus.
? uedbet体育官网 provides for ongoing campus conversations about the ways in which our Lutheran heritage and theological tradition shape our approach to faith and learning..
? uedbet体育官网 recognizes the ways in which creative endeavor-in writing, music, drama, dance, and the visual arts-enriches our understanding of faith.

5. VOCATIONAL DISCERNMENT: uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 affirms that work and career-indeed, all human effort-are aspects of an understanding of vocation, a concept the Lutheran tradition in higher education helps illuminate.

? With the leadership of its Careers Opportunities Research Exploration (CORE) offices, uedbet体育官网 offers guidance to our students in developing a sense of vocation, including ways for students to test their sense of calling.
? Incorporating service-learning opportunities in the academic curriculum and in student life, uedbet体育官网 helps our students develop qualities necessary for servant leadership in community, church and world.
? uedbet体育官网 encourages Campus Ministries, CORE, the pre-seminary studies program, and interested faculty members to serve as resources for students who are discerning a call to active ministry in the church.
? Various offices at uedbet体育官网 work with congregations and other faith-based organizations to provide learning opportunities for the church and community.
? uedbet体育官网 expects its President to regard leading the college as a calling. The constitution stipulates that the President of the uedbet体育官网 be a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America or of a denomination to which the ELCA is related through ecumenical agreements.
? uedbet体育官网 hires other chief administrators, regardless of creed, who support and will nurture the church-related mission of the college.
? uedbet体育官网 welcomes faculty and staff, regardless of creed, who will advance our mission, and the college celebrates the diverse contributions they make to our mission. uedbet体育官网 has long recognized that Lutherans and non-Lutherans alike are important to advancing our mission.

1Dag Blanck and Michael Nolan, "On and Beyond The Mississippi: Essays Honoring Thomas Tredway." (Rock Island, IL: uedbet体育官网 Historical Society, 2004), page 4.

2Steven C. Bahls, Inaugural Address: "Liberal Arts Education and Courageous Servant-Leadership." (October 10, 2003).

3"Authentically uedbet体育官网: A Strategic Plan for a Premier Liberal Arts uedbet体育官网" (2005).

4Tom Christenson, "The Gift and Task of Lutheran Higher Education." (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2004), page 14.