Grants in support of teaching
Faculty-Student Summer Research Fellowships
These are available to students working with faculty on significant scholarly projects in any of the disciplines taught at uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网. For their help in mentoring students in a summer research experience, a faculty member will be awarded an honorarium of $500. (See Student Summer Research)
Academic Initiative Fund
The four Division Deans oversee Academic Initiatives Funds designated to their division. These funds may be used by the Division Deans and their division colleagues to support an array of academic initiatives on behalf of faculty and their students.
The Academic Initiatives Fund aims to support faculty by funding experiences, equipment, and materials that: 1) enrich student learning experiences, 2) aid curriculum development, or 3) improve teaching methods. Examples of funded proposals include honoraria for speakers, field trips, participation in SoTL conference, publication expenses, books, and research equipment.
Funding is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted, with a maximum of $1,000 per request. All requests should be made before May 1, and allocated funds must be utilized by May 15 of the academic year in which they are awarded. After the project, a final report of outcomes and expenditures is required. Future requests will only be considered if reports have been submitted.
At the discretion of the Division Deans, any remaining funds at the end of the academic year may be pooled and allocated to support activities and material needs not funded elsewhere.
Applications should include, in no more than 1000 words:
Name(s) of the proposer(s)
Project goals
Description of project
Anticipated impact of the project and how it aligns with the goals of AIF
Timetable of project
Proposed budget for project and other sources of funding accessed
Proposals should be submitted by email to your Division Dean:
Umme Al-wazedi, Jennifer Burnham, Xiaowen Zhang, Michael Zemek.
(updated August 2024)
Dr. Janel Mulder Mueller '59 Humanities Fund
As part of a generous gift from Kenneth Johnston to honor Dr. Janel Mulder-Mueller '59 and a Challenge Grant received in 1982 from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), a permanent endowment has been established to support special programs in the humanities. Earnings from this endowment are used for student and faculty enrichment opportunities as well as for the development and enhancement of courses and programs in the humanities; an "average" award for the Fund is $500. NEH defines "humanities" to include:
language, linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, theory, and criticism of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life.
We will give priority to proposals submitted before the start of the term in which the project or event is to be held, but will consider all proposals on a continuing basis. We attempt to balance the funds across the year so that both semesters and the J-term have equal opportunity. Funds must be spent before mid-June of the Academic year in which the money was awarded.
There are two categories for funding:
1. Humanities Fund project (e.g. campus visitors, humanities-related event reception, field trip and related transportation costs etc.)
2. Curriculum Fund project (e.g. establishing a program/center; planning by faculty for an off-campus study opportunity for students; developing a summer seminar for faculty with related interests; creating a speaker/convocation series, etc.)
Applications should include, in no more than 1000 words:
Name(s) of proposer(s)
Project goals
Description of project
Timetable of project
Proposed budget for project and other sources of funding accessed
Description of how the project will be assessed
Anticipated impact of the project
A grant report is due after the funded event.
Direct all proposals to the Division Dean, Umme Al-wazedi