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User Account Policy

uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Account Management System User Account Policy

Sharing accounts

An account with a login and password will correspond one-to-one to the individual who maintains responsibility for that account, including the password, two-factor settings, storage use, privacy settings, and other account settings.  Accounts with passwords should not be shared among multiple users and passwords for an employee account should not be given to or requested by another user.   Rare and short-term exceptions regarding an exiting employee may be made with HR for purposes of data transfer.

Email account aliases (ie, can be added to an employee's account for convenience and may be moved from one account to another, on request to ITS.

Groups (ie, Chess Club, committees, etc) can have a group account (ie, with a designated manager to maintain membership. For more information about using Google Groups as Collaborative Inboxes:

Purging accounts

uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 shall purge old user accounts and personal online network files and only have active accounts and files for current users. This is necessary for security, space, and software licensing reasons.

  • Security - Users that meet the criteria listed below should not have access to the college’s email and network, since more accounts in the system means greater odds for an account to be compromised and used for malicious purposes.
  • Space - Servers have a limited amount of space. Old accounts and personal online network files should be removed to free up space for new accounts.
  • Licensing - Certain software is billed based on the number of users in the college account management system. Old users should be removed in order to lower software licensing costs.


User accounts and files shall be purged on a regular basis according to the following criteria:
*Please note:  For any files or email messages a user wishes to keep, it is the user’s responsibility to backup these files and/or forward messages to an external email account.

Undergraduate Non-Returning/Withdrawal Students

Accounts will expire by the 10th day of the following Fall or Spring semester if student does not enroll. Exceptions will only be granted by the Dean of Student Office.    


Currently Information Technology defines alumni as any student who has received a degree from uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网.

As of Summer of 2022, Google has changed from an unlimited to quota-based cloud storage model for all educational institutions. This means that students will lose their Google Drive, Photos, Sites (including ePortfolios), and other Google applications other than email if they do not transfer their data. More information about this change can be found on our Alumni Accounts and Data Policy.

Alumni of the uedbet体育官网 may retain their email accounts indefinitely as long as the email account is accessed at least once a year. Email accounts that are inactive for a year will be closed and removed from the system. Once g-suite and email account is closed, it cannot be recovered.

All other user accounts and files will be removed as follows:

  • Fall Graduates end of January
  • Spring Graduates end of June
  • Summer Graduates end of September

Updated: 5/13/2022


Access to accounts and personal online network files will be removed for employees immediately upon their departure.  If the employee is also a current student or alumnus, they will be treated accordingly with the corresponding requisite policy. Exceptions must be approved by a Cabinet Member and must be renewed every 60 days.

Faculty Full-Time/Adjunct

All accounts and personal online network files for faculty will be removed upon their departure unless they are being considered for emeritus status. Email access will be terminated on May 31st for faculty departing at the end of the academic year or 14 days after departure for faculty departing mid-year. If the faculty member is also an alumnus, they will be treated accordingly with the corresponding requisite policy. Exceptions must be approved by Provost and reviewed each year. 

Faculty Emeritus

All accounts including g-suite, augustana email and personal online network files will remain active unless not accessed within a year. Any account, with no activity within the past year, will be removed. Exceptions must be approved by Provost and reviewed each year.