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Winter Symposium Day Jan. 17, 2018: Privilege

uedbet体育官网 will hold its Winter 2018 Symposium Day: Privilege on Jan. 17 at various locations around campus.


9-9:45 a.m.Advising group meetings
10-11 a.m.*Featured presentation I/Session I
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.*Featured presentation II/Session II/lunch on your own
12:30-1:30 p.m.*Session III/lunch on your own
1:45-3:45 p.m.*Featured presentation III/Session IV
7-8:30 p.m.Featured presentation IV: Lewis Stone Memorial Lecture in Psychology 

* NOTE: Many individual sessions extend beyond the standard time blocks. Be sure to check posted times for each session.

Listen live all day:

Advising group meetings 
9-9:45 a.m.
Students meet with their advisors in assigned rooms.

Concurrent Session I — 10-11 a.m.

Featured presentation

500 Years of Reformation, Now What?
Nadia Bolz-Weber, founding pastor, House for All Sinners and Saints, Denver, Colo.; author
The Gerber Center, G?vle Room

Author and pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Nadia Bolz-Weber will deliver a plenary address in which she presents her vision of the role of the church in broader society as that vision connects to its Reformation roots.

Race, Land, and Housing Justice
Dr. Olivia Williams, environmental studies; Dr. Chris Strunk, geography; Matthew Henry, geography, environmental studies, Black Student Union; Latesha Lee, NAACP
Bergendoff Hall, Larson Hall

This panel will include faculty and students and their research on the racial dimensions of land and housing issues, with representatives from uedbet体育官网’s NAACP and Black Student Union. Topics will include historic policies and practices that limited ownership and residential choices for African Americans, like redlining and agricultural land dispossession. Additionally, alternative land ownership practices, such as community land trusts, will be discussed. We will conclude with some local — and campus-specific — projects for racial justice.

Walk of Privilege
Jingwen Yang, Global Engagement Team- Educational Programming Committee; Aditi Marella; Ailin Garcia
Brunner Theatre Center, Honkamp Myhre Black Box

The purpose of this session is to bring more international awareness to campus. This session will consist of individuals experiencing what kind of advantages and disadvantages both international and domestic students have on campus at uedbet体育官网. There will be an activity incorporating different perspectives between international and domestic students, followed by a discussion of what the group collaboratively learned.

Human Trafficking in the Midwest
Rebecca Valladares, Braking Traffik, a program of Family Resources (sponsored by the Sexual Health and Violence Prevention Committee); Emilee Goad, Campus Coordinator
Hanson Hall 102

Braking Traffik is a leader in Iowa and Illinois to end human trafficking. A Braking Traffik advocate will discuss trafficking, vulnerable populations, trafficker tactics, links between sex trafficking and prior trauma plus the impact of trafficking on individuals. The documentary “Any Kid, Anywhere” will be screened for audience members.

Living Together in Community While Disagreeing: Is it Possible? And Are There Limits?
Dr. Dan Lee, uedbet体育官网 Center for the Study of Ethics; Dr. Jamie Nordling, uedbet体育官网 Center for the Study of Ethics
Hanson Hall 304

We live in an era of growing polarization. Is it possible to live in community while disagreeing? This session will outline some of the practical steps that might be taken, while noting the challenges and limitations of trying to live together in community while disagreeing.

The session is sponsored by the uedbet体育官网 Center for the Center of Ethics.

Project LEAD – Beyond Social Justice
Lyli Chavez, education; Stephie Benito, education; Dr. Deb Bracke, education
Hanson Hall 305

This session will explore the issues central to the demographics of the teacher and student pipeline, grow understanding of the value and important role of a diverse pool of educators, and take action to increase and support the number of talented and diverse candidates who become teachers. Christopher Emdin’s book, “For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood–and the Rest of Y'all too” will provide a foundation for this lively discussion.

The Privilege of Being Human
Brendan Griffin, psychology
Olin Center 305

Human beings have more advantages today then we did at any other point in time. Our brain is more evolved, technology is more advanced, and our school systems continue to improve. This presentation will address the unique experience of being human in philosophical, sociological and psychological terms. Evolution, emotions and the formation of habits will be the main discussion points.

Rethinking Addiction and the War on Drugs
Dr. Shara Stough, psychology and neuroscience
Olin Auditorium

The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines addiction as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite negative consequences. However, addiction often is perceived as a moral failing and individuals battling addiction are ostracized and jailed. Recent proclamations of the opioid overdose epidemic as a public health crisis may be viewed as progress or as evidence of white privilege. In this session, we will view a short TED talk suggesting that we should transform our approach to the problem of addiction and the war on drugs, followed by a discussion of the ideas presented in the video and what research has revealed about the neurobiological changes that underlie addiction.

10 a.m.-noon (note extended time)
‘Keep It Real’ Diverse Game Workshop
Michael Rogers, interim director of Multicultural Student Life
Wilson Center

Participants will play the “Keep it Real” board game, a game that has proven to break down barriers around topics of diversity and inclusion almost immediately. This interactive game will turn difficult conversations into a fun and engaging experience. Come early, as this session will be limited to only 32 participants! All are welcome to attend.

10 a.m.-1 p.m. (note extended time)
LGBTQ Safe Zone Trainings
Dr. Amney Harper, associate professor of professional counseling at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; Dr. Liz Cannon, director of the LGBTQ Resource Center at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Old Main 132

SAFE training prepares participants to become an ally (activist-advocate) to the LGBTQ+ community. This session addresses the ever-changing terminology in the community, the messages that are generated in society about LGBTQ+ lives, the coming out process, and other skills necessary to being a successful ally. The focus will be on trans and non-binary identities and preparing participants to help shape the future of Safe Zone training at uedbet体育官网. (Space is limited to 30 participants and sign-up is requested. Note that this session is repeated from 2-5 p.m.)

Concurrent Session II — 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Featured presentation

More Than Mental Illness
Kyle Holder ’17, Accelerated Masters of Nursing student at Saint Louis University
Olin Auditorium

People of college age rank as having some of the highest rates of mental illness in the world. While many students cope with their illnesses every day, many others, with non-diagnosable conditions, lack the support they need. The purpose of this talk is to discuss Kyle Holder’s own journey with mental illness, while emphasizing the importance of mental health maintenance among all college students.

NAACP Meet and Greet
Latesha Lee, president of uedbet体育官网 Chapter of the NAACP, biology, psychology; Deja Hartsfield, health awareness chair, CSD; Camille Harris, treasurer, biology, pre-veterinary program, Spanish; Eve Perdikaris, LGBTQ liaison, psychology, sociology
Bergendoff Hall, Larson Hall

Meet the executive board members of the uedbet体育官网 Chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Learn about the chapter’s mission and how to become a member. Feel free to come with any questions. People may come and go as they please; this session will be informal.

Environmental and Social Justice in Guatemala
Rev. Jose Pilar Alvarez Cabrera, Lutheran Church of Guatemala, La Trementina; Steve Barrett, CEIPA, Xela, Guatemala
Brunner Theatre Center, Honkamp Myhre Black Box

Rev. Alvarez Cabrera has devoted his life to the defense of human rights in Central America. Due to his current work with indigenous Maya communities to protect their forests and water sources, he has received numerous death threats and has been accused of crimes he didn't commit. He will share his experiences of creating community organizations to peacefully defend environmental rights.

Weird Lessons From Hollywood: Gender Inequalities and Unconscious Biases
Dr. Hyeong-Gyu Choi, business administration
Hanson Hall 102

Hollywood has opened a window into a world that we have never seen before. Cinematic frames often hint at a vast reality just outside of our lives — and are not only for our fantasy of escaping reality or peeking at others’ lives. Through those windows, audiences are entertained, their scopes broadened, and they learn about others’ lives. In other words, movies influence our lives for better or for worse. Although movies can provide education, they often perpetuate rigid gender roles and enforce gender inequalities. Such skewed lessons from Hollywood function as mechanisms that pass on gender-related biases to later generations, especially when audiences are exposed to them over a prolonged period. The youth are much more susceptible to biased gender roles than adults because their worldviews are still being developed and shaped. This session will discuss and encourage open dialogue regarding the influence of movies in the context of gender biases and these biases’ influence on viewers.

The Power of Pairs
Grace Ludwig, Executive Board of Best Buddies; Vanessa Perez; Macy Hancock; Michael Johnson
Hanson Hall 304

Learn about Best Buddies and what it means to live with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) in today’s society. Best Buddies focuses on providing employment and leadership opportunities to individuals with IDD. The uedbet体育官网 chapter builds one-to-one friendships between students and individuals with IDD, creating powerful and life-changing experiences. Hear the story of the Power of Pairs as Best Buddies strives to create a more inclusive society.

Interrogating Whiteness in STEM at uedbet体育官网
Dr. Brian Katz, mathematics and computer science; Dr. Kristin Douglas, associate dean of student success
Hanson Hall 305

“Whiteness and White supremacy continue to structure U.S. society” (Martin, 2017), including or perhaps especially the teaching and learning of science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM). Blackwell (2010) and Sleeter (2017) assert that “although all students take course work that requires them to grapple with race and racism, many students (mainly White) who are not comfortable with these courses gravitate toward STEM majors, whereas students who resonate with the study of race and ethnicity (mainly students of color) gravitate toward the humanities and social sciences” and away from STEM. In what ways, if any, have you experienced these forces at uedbet体育官网? How can STEM courses, curricula and spaces be more inclusive at uedbet体育官网? What are the challenges?

A Discussion On How Privilege Affects the Experience of Womanhood
Ashtyn King; Elane Edwards, sociology
Olin Center 305

A civil panel discussion to highlight the necessity of understanding and awareness of the sometimes drastically different experiences of womanhood that are a product of privilege or lack of, due to factors such as socio-economic status, racial, cultural, ethnic backgrounds and sexuality.

Concurrent Session III — 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Combating Subjugation and Advancing Justice in Multicultural Literature of the United States
Dr. John Tawiah-Boateng, English and Africana studies; John Hallmark, pre-medicine; Kennedy Ware, biology; Rachel Cybulski, biology   
Bergendoff Hall, Larson Hall

Notwithstanding the noble aspirations of the Founding Fathers, American history has always been plagued by various forms of injustice, subjection and deprivation based on factors like gender, race, religion, class and other exclusionary criteria. Various writers of the 20th and 21st centuries have dedicated their lives’ work to exposing the debasement and inequality, while promoting ideas of equality and fairness for all. More impressively, these authors have done so while creating beautiful literary and artistic works. This group presents examples of these impressive stories.

Power, privilege and environmental justice in Central America
Dr. Chris Strunk, geography and Latin American studies; with Rebecca Achilli, Gus Benson, Alayna Connolly, Adam Ferrell, Marlen Gomez, Amani Greaves, Jonny Hanson, Rachel Hart, Luke Herron, Luis Jauregui, Floris Jan Kamphorst, John McCarthy, Kailey Peterson, Lisa Pohlman-Zordan, Marisa Potter, Gena Rodriguez, Jake Rozak, Reilly Siepka, Lukas Stoutenour, Connor Stowe, Samantha Wright
Brunner Theatre Center, Honkamp Myhre Black Box

Students in Geography of Latin America will present their research on power, privilege and environmental justice issues in Guatemala as part of a collaborative project with the Guatemala study-away program. Issues include environmental conservation, ecotourism, indigenous movements and more.

Privilege, Power, and Abuse
Charlene D. Quint ’85, J.D., attorney and certified domestic violence professional
(sponsored by +IMPACT)
Hanson Hall 102

Charlene Quint is an attorney whose practice focuses exclusively on helping victims escape from and overcome domestic abuse. Along with A Safe Place, a domestic violence shelter located in Lake County, Ill., Quint co-founded and co-facilitates two support groups in middle class and affluent Chicago suburbs, and speaks extensively to raise awareness of domestic abuse. Prior to starting her own law firm addressing domestic abuse, Quint served for 15 years as a corporate attorney at the Chicago law firm of SchiffHardin LLP, and served as law clerk to the Honorable Morton Denlow in federal court. Prior to her legal career, Quint served as chief financial officer of Probus Publishing Company and started her financial career as a CPA at Arthur Andersen & Co. in Chicago.

Teaching LGBTQ students: Addressing Inclusion in K-12 schools
Tyler Pham, English education
Hanson Hall 304

LGBTQ students are among the student groups that are at risk and underrepresented in U.S. schools. They stand higher chances of being bullied, threatened, assaulted and committing suicide than their heterosexual peers. These adversities undoubtedly restrict them from experiencing safety and acceptance at school. This session will take a in-depth look at the situations facing LGBTQ students and propose some effective methods to promote inclusion for LGBTQ students.

Privilege, the Pattern of the World, and a Path Toward Renewing the Mind
Daniel Boscaljon, religion
Hanson Hall 305

This session begins with a brief presentation on how to identify patterns of thinking that dominate the world, and continues with an interactive conversation concerning the renewing of the mind as a way to combat these patterns. This session is interactive, moving quickly through questions and answers with the hope of modeling how to have these kinds of conversations with others — pointing out privilege in ways that are neither hypocritical nor prone to making others defensive.

The N-word: “Why Can't I Say It?”
Ashanti Mobley; Jordan Cray; Talayah Lemon; Faleya Scales; Michael Rogers, interim director of Multicultural Student Life
Olin Center 305

This discussion is about the N-word, its history and its use in today’s society. Videos from various viewpoints will be shown and discussed. Participants will explore questions such as: “Who is allowed to say the N-word?” “What do you do when you hear a non-Black person say the N-word?” “Why do some Black people say the N-word?” and “Why do some Black people get upset when non-Black people say the N-word?” etc. All are welcome to participate in an honest and open dialogue—no background knowledge needed.

Ethics Discussion Over Euthanasia for Depression Patients
Claire Rittenhouse, public health, biology with ethics
Olin Auditorium

More and more hospitals are making euthanasia an option for patients with clinical depression. It is a controversial topic that warrants a session like this to truly understand why this is becoming legal, and who has the right to give the “okay” to end the patient’s life.

12:30-2 p.m.  (note extended time)
Critical Reflections on Race and Privilege in the Classroom: A Writing Workshop 
Dr. Rossina Zamora Liu, Language, Literacy, and Culture Program and director, The uedbet体育官网 of Education Writing Resource, University of Iowa
Wilson Center

Participants in this workshop will engage in critical reflections on race and privilege in the classroom stemming from firsthand experiences and/or eye-witnessing accounts. In what ways have your perceived, privileged identities afforded you benefits and/or reaped consequences for you—with teachers, with peers/friends and with administrators? In what ways have you witnessed others’ experiences with privilege and/or disadvantages? How did you respond to these moments at the time, and why? How would you respond to them now, and why? Together and individually, participants will write about various experiences with race and privilege. The wording and language used in shaping discourses around these important issues will be discussed. Participants will examine the ways in which they construct narratives about race and privileges, and how they might reconstruct them into counter-narratives.

12:30-2 p.m. (note extended time) 
How Do We Engage Opinions We Don't Agree With? 
Yen Dao, Learning Commons; Chris Beyer, Residential Life; Dr. Ian Davis, communication studies; Dr. Deke Gould, philosophy; Dr. Jennifer Palar, business administration; Astrid Tello-Rodriguez, Office of Multicultural Student Life; Mary Windeknecht, first year advising
Evald 17 and 18

Panel members will discuss what it means to be civil, demonstrate civility by debating the topic of “Is it more important to believe victims of sexual harassment/assault than to presume the innocence of the accused until proven guilty?” and invite the audience to practice civil discourse.

Concurrent Session IV —beginning 1:45 p.m. (note varying ending times)

Featured presentation

1:45-3 p.m.
Legally Black
Zina Ellis, actor, singer, and writer
Denkmann Memorial Hall, Wallenberg Hall

“Legally Black” is a solo cabaret piece exploring the experiences of women of color in musical theatre, first developed by Zina Ellis as a senior thesis project at Yale University. From its beginning as an art form, musical theatre has been interested in issues of race and gender, but the way it has dealt with those issues, particularly when they intersect, has often reinforced damaging stereotypes. In “Legally Black,” performer and creator Zina Ellis investigates the roles women of color have played throughout the history of musical theatre, both on and offstage. The songs range from opera to pop and from well-known to obscure, but all serve to highlight both the missteps and progress made toward creating pieces that truly capture the experience of existing in the world as a woman of color.

(This performance will be repeated on Thursday, Jan. 18, 7:30 p.m., in the Brunner Theatre Center, Honkamp Myhre Black Box.)

1:45-2:15 p.m.
Cultural Influences of Violent Behavior in Men
Dr. Matthew Rosenthal, psychology
Olin Center 305

In this country, biological men commit a disproportionately high percentage of the violent behavior, including murder and sexual assault. From an ethical and judicial perspective, responsibility for violent behavior belongs 100 percent to the perpetrator men. From a psychological perspective, however, it is clear that factors outside of men’s control influence their likelihood of engaging in violent behavior. Dr. Rosenthal will argue that characteristics of today’s culture implicitly promote in men the violent behaviors our society explicitly denounces. The conflicting explicit signals of our society and implicit signals of our culture create an internal conflict in men that makes it difficult for them to inhibit violent impulses.

1:45-2:45 p.m. 
The Power of Privilege: A Panel on the Current State of Puerto Rico
Lydia Lara, Office of Multicultural Student Life and the Office of Student Life; Dr. Chris Strunk, geography, Latin American studies; Dr. Lauren Hammond, Latin American studies; Dr. Chris Marmé, economics; Dr. Tony Pomales, anthropology
Bergendoff Hall, Larson Hall

The Office of Multicultural Student Life and the Office of Student Life come together to present a session focused on the real-life events occurring to fellow U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico, especially after the natural disasters that shook the northeastern Caribbean in the last year. Members of the panel will delve into the history of events, the economy and the affairs that has led to how Puerto Rico lives today. This session will go hand-in-hand with a Puerto Rico Disaster Aid table (in collaboration with Latinx Unidos) so that those with power of privilege may aid those in Puerto Rico.

1:45-3:15 p.m.
uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Campus Kitchen: #starvethestigma
Lauren Clapp, uedbet体育官网 uedbet体育官网 Campus Kitchen; Baillie Brooks
Hanson Hall 304

Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend this session, and all students also are welcome. This session will explore what food insecurity is, what it looks like on campus, and how faculty and staff can be resources to students. Faculty and staff who attend will receive a sticker to put outside their offices, demonstrating that they have participated in the discussion to combat food insecurity on campus.

1:45-3:45 p.m.
‘How To Start a Revolution’ Documentary Film Screening
Domale Keys, Diversity Fellow; students from WGST 380 and POLS 375
Hanson Hall 102

“How To Start a Revolution” is a BAFTA award-winning British documentary film directed by Ruaridh Arrow about the ideas of Gene Sharp, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee whom The New York Times calls “one of the world’s least recognized intellectual movers and shakers.” The film discusses how Sharp has devoted his life to studying ways of waging successful nonviolent campaigns for building better democracies and how his ideas have sparked generations of organizing across the globe.

1:45-3:15 p.m.
Reconstructing the South: A Role Play
Dr. Bobby Wengronowitz, sociology, anthropology and social welfare
Hanson Hall 305

Participants will play the role of recently freed slaves, just after the U.S. Civil War. They will consider difficult and complex questions about this critical period in U.S. history. No background knowledge is required, just a willingness to participate.

1:45-3:45 p.m.
Theatre of the Oppressed: An Interactive Workshop in Affecting Social Change
Steven Barrett, Centro Ecumenico de Integracion Pastoral in Guatemala; Professor Jeff Coussens, theatre arts
Brunner Theatre Center, Honkamp Myhre Black Box

Theatre of the Oppressed is a type of process and performance developed by Brazilian theatre artist Augusto Boal as a way to use theatre to affect positive social change. Through an improvisational exercise designed to break down physical and psychological barriers, participants will experience a transformative exploration of self and community that engages performers and spectators in constructive interaction and dialogue.

1:45-2:45 p.m.
Power, Privilege and Sexual Misconduct
Dr. Wendy Hilton-Morrow, Committee on Sexual Health and Violence Prevention and Title IX Team; Laura Ford, human resources; Dr. Eric Stewart, religion
Olin Auditorium

From the entertainment industry and news organizations to corporations and even Congress, allegations of sexual harassment are making headlines. How have we gotten here? What's led to a culture of inappropriate workplace conduct? Why are more and more “silence breakers” coming forward now? And, what's the best way to respond if you find yourself in a harassment situation? This session will grapple with big questions and provide concrete tips to help students make sense of this important issue and be better prepared if they encounter it firsthand.

2-5 p.m. (note extended time)
LGBTQ Safe Zone Trainings
Dr. Amney Harper, associate professor of professional counseling at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; Dr. Liz Cannon, director of the LGBTQ Resource Center at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Old Main 132

SAFE training prepares participants to become an ally (activist-advocate) to the LGBTQ+ community. This session addresses the ever-changing terminology in the community, the messages that are generated in society about LGBTQ+ lives, the coming out process, and other skills necessary to being a successful ally. The focus will be on trans and non-binary identities and preparing participants to help shape the future of Safe Zone training at uedbet体育官网. (Space is limited to 30 participants and sign-up is requested. Note that this session is repeated from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.)


7-8:30 p.m.

Featured presentation

The Psychology of White Privilege and White Fragility: The Challenges of Social Justice Work
Dr. William Ming Liu, professor of counseling psychology, University of Iowa
Olin Auditorium

Despite seeming changes in race-relations in the United States, White supremacist ideology and White privilege continue to pervade our values, practices and identities of “privileges.” Often when we describe our individual privileges, for instance, we resort to listing things we get to do because of our race, gender and/or social class. Rarely do we think about the ways in which these individual privileges are contingent on systemic and structural powers grounded in White supremacy that could either grant and/or forbid the exercises of these benefits. Rarely do we consider the implications and fragilities attached to it in our pursuit toward an anti-racist and socially just world. Indeed, White privilege has a history, a context and a purpose, and if we are to advocate for social justice and equity, we must acknowledge the ways in which it functions in our lives and community, and what it means for people of color, White allies, and social action and justice. How do we have conversations and collective actions when White fragility distracts us? Dr. Liu describes the purposes of White privilege, and discusses how consequences and fragilities often frustrate collective social action and what we may do differently.

Dr. Liu was invited to give this presentation as the 2018 Lewis Stone Memorial Lecture in Psychology.

Ongoing sessions

10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Beyond Color Blind
Ninna Mendoza, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Chapter president; Meagan Gottcent, Chapter staff; and Mackenzie Butcher, Yemurai Mapurisa, Jason Jung, Gabby Riordan, Camille Harris, Alyssa Molina, Chloe Anderson, Rachel Leman, Jessica Hammond, Kristian Carroll—InterVarsity Christian Fellowship members
The Gerber Center, 4th floor hallway

Should we be color blind? What emotions and thoughts do you have about race? What is beautiful about your ethnicity? What is broken about your culture? This presentation engages race and ethnicity through an interactive display in context of the Christian Gospel. Come discuss how Jesus Christ sees our individual ethnicities in all of their beauty and brokenness and how we can acknowledge those differences and find restoration.

10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Puerto Rico Disaster Aid table (in collaboration with Latinx Unidos)
Lydia Lara, Office of Student Life; Crystal Salazar, Amanda Corona, Latinx Unidos; Latinx Unidos members, program coordinators of the Office of Multicultural Student Life; OSL and Multicultural Programming Board (campus awareness and outreach )
The Gerber Center 4th floor hallway

Stop by this awareness and fund-raising table for those affected by disasters in Puerto Rico.

1-3 p.m.
Kids Against Hunger Packing Event
Keri Bass, CORE Community Service
The Gerber Center, G?vle Rooms

Take some time to impact food insecurity in the Quad Cities and on a global level. Royal Neighbors chapter members in conjunction with CORE’s Community Service Office will package meals for people in need. Volunteers can help in a variety of tasks.


Ashleigh Johnston

If you have news, send it to! We love hearing about the achievements of our alumni, students and faculty.