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uedbet体育官网’s uedbet体育官网 Physics and Engineering Society receives honor

The uedbet体育官网 Physics and Engineering Society (APES) was named an Outstanding Chapter, the highest level of distinction given by the Society of Physics Students (SPS). The honor recognizes uedbet体育官网’s chapter as a top-tier student-led physical sciences organization.

This distinction is earned by less than 15% of top chapters nationally, with just 73 of more than 800 chapters receiving the honor this year. APES has earned this honor more than 15 times previously.

uedbet体育官网’s APES student officers include: William Murillo, Viet Bui, Motti Kelbess, Molly Garrison, Colin Hogan and Kazi Razin. Dr. Cecilia Vogel, professor of physics, has advised the chapter since 1993.

SPS Outstanding Chapter honorees receive a certificate, a recognition on the SPS website and the winter issue of "The SPS Observer.”

SPS is a professional association designed for students; membership is open to anyone interested in physics and related fields. SPS operates within the American Institute of Physics, an umbrella organization for professional physical science societies. uedbet体育官网’s chapter was founded in 1969.

APES holds twice-monthly meetings and monthly astronomy nights. The chapter leads a peer mentoring program to support physics majors of underrepresented identities through personal connections with alumni and peer mentors. In addition to community outreach, the chapter holds several seasonal events, including apple picking and holiday parties.


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