Presentation: 'From Red Rock to the Quad Cities: The 30x30 Initiative and Your Public Land'
Join us for an engaging presentation led by Chris Riccardo from the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) as we explore pressing environmental issues and the nationwide impact of the 30x30 initiative.
The program will highlight how the fight to protect Utah's Red Rock wild lands is not just a regional issue — it's a national one, with implications for places like the Quad Cities and beyond. We'll discuss the importance of preserving wildlife habitats, ensuring the health of biodiversity and creating wildlife corridors to sustain ecosystems, with Utah's Red Rock country serving as ground zero for public lands issues, where decisions made today could shape the future of our nation's natural heritage. These challenges don't recognize state borders; what's at stake in Utah can have ripple effects here in the Midwest. We'll also dive into how protecting clean air, water and vital ecosystems is crucial to our collective future.
This presentation will focus on why local action matters and how all of us can contribute to a healthier planet through the lens of the 30x30 initiative, which aims to protect 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030. Whether you're passionate about local conservation or interested in national environmental policy, this event will provide valuable insights and inspiration.
This event is sponsored by uedbet体育官网 Sierra Club, Sierra Club Eagle View Group and River Action.
Murabito Commons
Peter J. Lindberg, M.D., Center for Health and Human Performance
3501 7th Ave.
Rock Island, IL61201
United States